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Conversations with God

Vacation Prayer

Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, while ‘riffling’ [or thumbing] through some papers, up popped a prayer for vacations. There should be a prayer for everything; absolutely everything should be bathed in prayers, so with that in mind, here we go:

A Prayer for Vacations

Loving Father, who didst make this earth so fair; open our eyes to see its wonder and our hearts to feel its beauty. In our days of refreshments and recreation, draw us nearer to Thee through the things which Thou hast made. May the joy of Thy sunshine, the quiet of Thy forests, the murmur of Thy streams, and the steadfast strength of Thine everlasting hills, teach us the deep secret of Thy peace.

Calm our fretful spirits. Deepen the current of our shallow lives. Renew in us faith and courage, physical strength, and spiritual vision, that we may know ourselves to be safely held in Thy strong hands, and may we joyfully conform our lives to Thy great purposes. From this life, so near to Nature’s heart, may we drink in new strength to help us reach the restless hearts of men.

Give us thy secret, and the power to share it with our fellows, that we may go back to the world and its duties, stronger, simpler, sweeter; and may we become more worthy messengers of Him who saw His Father’s goodness in the sparrow’s flight, and His Father’s love in the beauty which clothes the lilies of the field. We ask it for His dear sake. Amen. [--- Hugh L. Burleson]

While we’re vacationing, seeking rest and peace, Lord, help us to hear and appreciate the Meadowlark’s call and take pleasure in Nature that You created. As we’re ‘resting’ Lord, remind us of Col 3:15 “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.” Thank You, Lord, for vacations.

Love, Mara


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