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3 generations of nurses

On May 11, Sierra Brown graduated from the nursing program in Sheridan, Wyoming. Brown's grandmother, retired LPN and local Donna Lewis, and her mother, retired RN-C, DON Wanda Brown, were honored to pin a third generation of nurses into the family.

"There's 95+ years flowing through those veins!" Lewis wrote to the Eagle.

Brown too was honored by speaking on behalf of the class during the ceremony, and has quite an interesting academic and professional background.

After attending high school in Basin, Wyoming, she attended the University of Wyoming where she earned a bachelor's degree in psychology. Brown has since admitted to Lewis that she never truly wanted to be a counselor, though.

Brown then earned a CNA certificate and worked as a CNA while pursuing interests in law.

"She rocked the police academy with her sharp shooting skills and was rewarded with the honor of speaking at that graduation ceremony," says Lewis.

Brown worked with the police department and the healthcare rehab center in Worland, Wyoming for several years while continuing her education to become a masseuse, which the "whole family enjoys."

Still not content, Brown entered the nursing program and finished her LPN credits in 2018. While working as an LPN, she then finished the program and received her RN degree this May. Congratulations to Brown and her family, three generations of nurses.


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