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Conversations with God

We’re to do good

Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, here’s an interesting thought: what we are is more important that what we do! No matter what, there is always going to be someone in our ‘class/group’, with as much “smarts” and education as we have, doing what we want to do – only they are doing it better. That’s life. That part isn’t the important thing, though. One’s life is not a cold resume of facts. One must build character, a life, learning that we are NOT the center of the universe.

Our job is to show up, to really listen, to laugh more, to do, and to be. We are not cardboard cutouts. We are to “Get a life!” That does not mean a frenzied ‘trip’ to the top of the ladder, stepping on others on our way up, trying frantically to rake in the big bucks. There is more to life. Some have to get a bad doctor’s report or lose someone dear to them to realize that money isn’t everything.

We have sole custody, not only of our lives, but also of our mind and our heart. To keep mind, body and heart healthy, You, oh Lord, tell us in Your word that we are to be generous. We may want to do all well, but if we don’t do good by being generous, doing well will never be enough.

The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that’s the real meaning of inhumanity. You want us to do it right the first time, Lord, for life is NOT a dress rehearsal – this is IT! We can discover Your will for our lives and live unreservedly on the way to it - with the end in view – always looking forward to our final graduation – waiting to hear Your words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant:” Matthew 25:21.

Love, Mara


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