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Conversations with God

The Good Shepherd

Hello Dog, it's me, Mara:

You know, Lord, reading about Psalms 23, written by Philip Keller (long years ago) along with a peaceful picture of sheep, suggested several subjects. That lovely picturesque country scene reminded a friend of her growing up years near her grandfather’s sheep ranch. She shared with us all about shearing and lambing, herding and shipping. She even told us about some of the peculiar personalities of several of their sheep herders and, of course, all about the pet bum lambs that she loved. She also remembered that sheep are silly, stubborn and stupid!

We wondered Lord, if You had genuine sheep traits in mind – like real sheep – when You called Yourself our Shepherd? Are we so much like sheep that we need endless attention and meticulous care? There does seem to be a similarity if sheep and human behaviors are compared: for instance, mass or mob mind set, fear, timidity, stupidity, irrational behavior, craziness; oh, we could list a few more traits, right, Lord?

Sheep, as well as we, need to belong to someone; in our case, we long to belong to the Good Shepherd as written about in Palms 23. We (and sheep) need to recognize our owner’s voice. We (and sheep) need to know how to rest and relax by belonging. There is strength and safety in that security.

Many of us folks seem to hope that by merely admitting that You are our Shepherd that somehow, we will enjoy the benefits of Your care and management without paying the price of forfeiting our own fickle and foolish way of life. But some of us thrill with genuine gratitude because we belong to You. Psalm 23: 1, The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want…” We delight in the knowledge that we shall flourish and thrive no matter what life brings us because You, oh Lord, are truly our Good Shepherd.

Love, Mara


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