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Elk and deer permit applications due March 15

For those hunters interested in applying for elk or deer permits for the 2019 season a critical deadline is approaching, March 15.

Fortunately, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks online application process and application packet make it simple to apply. An easy-to-use application packet is available at FWP offices and online at

Resident hunters need a 2019 conservation, elk or deer license, and base hunting license to apply for a special elk or deer permit. Everything else needed to apply is in the application and information packet.

Archery hunters must have purchased a Montana bow and arrow license prior to hunting.

To purchase a bow and arrow license an individual must meet one of the following requirements:

• show completion of a bowhunter education course

• show proof of purchase of a previous year’s bow and arrow license from Montana or another state

Signed affidavits are no longer acceptable as proof of bowhunter education.

Hard copies of the hunting regulations will be on the shelf at FWP offices and local license providers in April.

Hunters will notice some changes to this year’s Deer/Elk/Antelope Regulations. The regulations booklet has been reorganized and reformatted for better flow and clarity. In addition, the legal descriptions will be published in a separate booklet.


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