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Conversations with God

Deer pay a visit

Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

The deer stopped in, they nosed about, we’d not seen deer for weeks! They check the trees because they know, Crabs aren’t on Mountain Peaks. They spied water in near birdbath, they all needed a drink. Twelve deer drank fast, bumping their heads, ‘bath’ emptied in a ‘wink’!

They were thirsty; they ‘slurped’ it all - then checked out Mountain Ash. Fallen berries they gobbled up, then to the Crabs they dash. Wind blew Crabs down; deer gobbled them - then leaped to snag more Crabs. The tallest deer saw leaping deer, he turned, mouthful he grabs. It wasn’t long, berries - all gone! The Crabs had vanished, too. Deer still were dry, they looked about, like where’s the nearest slough?

The deer then left, pranced down the lane, they hunt for one more bite. Neighbor had Crabs, they checked it out, they’ll ‘dine’ there late tonight! Our Crab Apples still high on tree, Crabs need some wind and frost. It’s Winter now, so won’t be long, then down Crabs will be tossed.

Another day, birdbath has iced, so now where will deer go? “The creeks done froze – the ground is white, guess we’ll just nibble snow!” Perhaps they spoke among themselves about their old Grandpa, “T’was far away and long ago, ‘Pa’ made it till spring thaw! We’re tough, we are! And somehow, gang, what ‘Pa’ did, so can we! There’s some green weeds so we won’t starve, let’s snoop under Green Tree.”

We’re edge of town, but deer get ‘round, they snooze in the near windbreak. They dance and prance, when snow comes down, they hide there from snowflake. We’re thirsty Lord, we need a drink! We pant just like the deer. Your word in Psalms: 42:1, tells us that You are near! All deer do pant, they need water, our soul so aches for You. We’re like the deer, our thirst is need, we thirst for You, we do!

Love, Mara


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