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Santa's mailbox

Carter County children have sent their wish list to Santa by-way-of the Ekalaka Eagle


Dear Santa,

I have been nice this year. I am 5 years old. Please bring me a nintdo and a morsikl ( my dad sas no.) Oh and can you please bring something for Mrs. M. Frye? Thank you!

From: Jenry Walker

Dear Santa,

I have been naughty and nice this year. I am six years old. Please bring me a nintindo and a berd like my dad. Oh, and can you please bring something for Tye and Quinton? Thank you!

From: Tig Kalstrom

Dear Santa,

I have been nice this year. I am 5 years old. Please bring me a fon and shokin. Oh, and can you please bring something for Daisey? Thank you!

From: Piper Frye

Dear Santa,

I have been nice this year. I am 5 years old. Please bring me a unikorn, toy comptr, and barbe car. Oh, and can you please bring something for Piper? Thank you!

From: Daisey Kratzer

Dear Santa,

I have been nice this year. I am 5 years old. Please bring me a Jesica cak and shopcns. Oh, and can you please bring something for Judd? Thank you!

From: Peighton Matthews

Dear Santa,

I have been nice this year. I am 5 years old. Please bring me a huntg toy cmpr and mostr trk rdr. Oh, and can you please bring a shake toy hos for Jennings? Thank you!

From: Judd Walker

Dear Santa,

I have been nice this year. I am 6 years old. Please bring me a krft kit and a fon. Oh, and can you please bring something for Mrs. M. Frye? Thank you!

From: Emma Poppema

First grade

Dear Santa,

Wiy do you have radere to go urawnd the world? I want a sno mobel and a nuthr dog. You are the best.


Gavin Reynolds

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite cooke? Can you get me two WWE character, and toy chicken, and a xbox,.


Grady Stieg

Dear Santa,

I wod like to see if you wod tel me how miee presents you give to kids? I wont to git a wip. Thank you.

From: Corrik Laughry

Dear Santa,

How do you get all the presents? I want a lego set, and a pack of army guy's, and a toy tank for my army guy's. I will leave cookies for you.

From: Cortland O'connor

Dear Santa,

How is yor favrit reindeer? How is yor favrite elf? All I want for crismis is a LOL.

From: Aubri Ashbrook

Dear Santa,

Who is your fevrit raindeer? Who is your fevrit elf? How is Roodof doong? I want a LOL for Christmas.

From: Vera Strub

Dear Santa,

How miny reindeer do you have? I wat a hathumools and a big hathoonaoob and a ipad.


Lilly Pierson

Dear Santa,

Who is your favorite reindeer? I wanth hot wels and cars. And I will leve choclit chip coces out for you?

From: Kaden Loudermilk

Dear Santa,

Witch reindeer is your favorite? I wood like a ipad. And a fishing rod. Thank you four the presens.


William Mulder

Dear Santa,

How do the reindr fli? I wud like legos. How do you get tho the chmny?

From: Caleb Phelps

Dear Santa,

Wut reindeer do you like? Can I please hav a hatchamal? Can I please hav spurs. Can I hav spur straps?

From: Cai Jesperson

Dear Santa,

I would like to know if elves talk. I would like a I-phone and a x-box please.

From: Justin Erickson

Dear Santa,

What is your fafite reindeer? I wat a reindeer so I can ride it, thayou.

From: Ben Enos

Second grade

Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph is he ready flite. How is Mis Clause? We are siry Rudolp the red nose rander. I want a smart watch. Merry christmas Santa.

Ho Ho Ho


Dear Santa,

How are the raindeer? Are they ready for the special day in 19 days? How are Mrs. Clauses cookies? And how are you? How are the elves doing? Are they allmost readdy for christmas? Can i have a painting set.

Merry Christmas,


Dear Santa,

Thank you for bringing us present. How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Are you readdy for Christmas? How are your elves doing? Are they makeing presents? I would like a iPad please.


Ho Ho Ho Kira

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. Can I have a iPad for christmas? Are the elfs making some cool toys? How are you and Mrs. Clause? Is she still making yummy cookies? I hope you have a very merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl for chistmas? I want a puppy, pomsey and pencil set. How are the randeer doing are they redy to fly in 19 day's? How are you santa? Will you tell Mrs. Clas helo.



Dear Santa,

I've been good. How have you been? So, can I still have what i whanted? Rember I whanted a youtube camrea to make youtube viedios. merry christmas Santa.



Dear Sant,

How are the reindeer doing? Who is your favorite reindeer? For chrismas I want two thigs. For christmas I want a Nintendo switch and a WWE belt. How is Miss Clause doing? How are you doing.



Dear Santa,

I was a kid motercycile but one thing how are you and Mrs Clause and I have been a good brother this year



Dear Santa,

When are you giving us are elf. I have been good how are the elfs. Is the rieghndeer dooing good. I want a Vikings jersey.



Third grade


Holidays are

Really fun

I like these holidays

So sweet

Time to open presents

Mom said

As we started to open them

Sugar found something Awesome!

By Keli Melton

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a big Hatchimal for Christmas? I would also like a few small Hatchimals in a carton. Who is leading your sleigh these days? How old is your youngest reindeer? I hope you have a really good Christmas!


Cordelia Cofer

Dear Santa,

I want a photo album, puffy stickers, and a pair of roller skates. I would like to know how many elves you have. How are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen? I would like to give Colby a baby doll. I would like to give Will ornaments and fish bait.


Selby Mulder

Dear Santa,

You are a great man. I've had a crazy year!!!! I bet you're still tired from last year. I have been prepared for Christmas all year long! How are your elves? How many elves do you have? How many toys do your elves make?!! Please tell me the answers on Christmas Eve. By the way, I have to tell you what I would like. I would like basketball clothes, a Leatherman, and a Halo set.


Tiernan O'Connor

Dear Santa

How is it going up there? Is Mrs. Claus doing well? I hope she is, so she can make cookies for you! We will, too! I am sorry if I have been bad. We might be at Mill Iron Rd. How are Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Vixen, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer? I hope that the reindeer are doing well, There might be a bad blizzard. Santa can you please get me a saddle? I think I have been good.

Kasyn Buckley

Dear Santa Claus,

How are you doing? I am doing just fine. How are Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph? How is Mrs. Claus? Do you want eggnog, milk or cocoa as a snack? Things are going just fine at school. Here are a couple of things I want for Christmas: a Lord of The Rings Lego set, a subscription to Little Passports, and a bean bag chair. Have a safe flight!


Nora Strangford


A happy time a time of giving and getting.

A time of laughter and joy.

When you are sleeping Old Saint Nick comes.

He gives gifts to the nice children.

The naughty children get coal!!

When you get up you see the PRESENTS!!

Oohs and aaahhs you see the PRESENTS.

The day is over the fun is done

Time gone

Go to bed.

By Gage Stieg

Dear Santa

Hi Santa, this is Tristan. How are you doing? Hopefully you are ready for Christmas because I just want a few things. All I want for Christmas is a stuffed animal and army guys. How's Mrs. Claus? Hopefully she's doing good. I have a whole bunch of cookies for you. On Christmas I also will get carrot for Rudolph. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I would like it candy bar for Gavin. Make sure that the reindeer are ready for Christmas because you do have to go all the way around the world! Make sure you're ready to come down and chimneys and just so you know my house doesn't have a chimney, but I will keep the door unlocked for you.


Tristan Reynolds

Dear Santa,

I want a pair of chaps and my own tool set to help my dad. I also want an electric guitar and roller skates. How are your reindeer? I will leave some carrots for the reindeer and some cookies for you!


Colt Jesperson

Christ is born

Hide and go seek

Real love

Is it time for presents

Sasha is so happy with her presents

Tanner looks so cute in his new robe

Mom has a date night with Dad

Adlen and Ayla play Checkers

Savior comes

By Ayla Larson Byrne

Dear Mean Santa!

I want a bulldog and a toothbrush. I think you are mean because you won't give me a bulldog. You haven't the last times I have asked you! I would like more food and toys for my guinea pig. Merry Christmas!


Jenna Elmore

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I am doing well and my family is, too. But please don't go in our house because that creepy. I mean seriously, you are a creep! You come in our house at night! When the doors are locked you come in our house and a song says you see us while we sleep! Please put the presents outside. I know my Mom and Dad want money. I want my family and a ferret. I don't know about Jenna, but bulldog stuff might work. But if I get a ferret, please put it inside the house because I don't want it to die. I'll give you cookies and milk and Doritos, so will you please get me a ferret? How are Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? I'll give you some carrots for them.


Jolyn Elmore

P.S. Stay out my parent's house

Fourth grade

Christmas is jolly and holly

Holidays are fun so don't go on the run

Really good acts give good facts

In the galley start marking the tally

Start getting tall to light the hall

The people sang bells rang

Many games like ring toss don't crisscross

As for presents you don't see pheasants

Someone in help give a yelp

By Sadie Poppema

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer and Mrs. Claus? More importantly, how are you? How are all the Elves and the Elves on the Shelf? Anyway, for Christmas I would like a snow inner tube? Super Mario Party, and a Lego set of any kind. Thank you, Santa!


Roger Beach

Dear Santa,

I hope you had a good year. I had a great summer. For Christmas I want a 3D printer. I think my mom wants Orioles. Ben wants a toy car, and my sister wants a box full of peanut butter... at least that's what I think. My two brothers will have anything you'll give them. My cousin welder will have anything. Solomon will have anything, too. Just give them something that they will like, except for cold! And then the nice I'm pretty sure she will like nail polish. And I think my dad might a some coal, but just to be safe don't give him it. Emily will just like a jacket or some clothes and Blake a whip and Jackson will probably like just have about anything. Coupon we would probably just like a tractor to Aunt Beth will like a mug and Uncle Dallas will probably like some candy.


Sarah Enos

Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer and how are you? How are the elves and Mrs. Claus? I don't want much this year. I want a hoverboard and a bungee chair. I also want a Nintendo switch. Hope you have a great Christmas.


Rylan Carroll

Dear all of North Pole,

I just wanted to let you know you know you've done a good job of making spirits bright. Your bucks must have luck to help Santa. I also realize that Christmas is not about toys or even the x-mas tree. It's all about spirit and joy and also about family. A talent that reindeer have is flying around the world in one second. I think all reindeer should be happy for that. Mrs. Claus, you should make sure Santa shares cookies with the elves. They made kids happy because they make toys and load them in the sleigh. Do elves and reindeer go to school?

-Weston R. Strub

Fifth grade


I hope you and your reindeer are doing good. Who is your favorite reindeer? My favorite reindeer is Rudolph. Am I on the naughty list? Because I should not be on the naughty list I do chores when i'm not asked to, and I'm nice to my brothers.So I think I deserve to be on the nice list. If I'm on the nice list I want a younger brother.


Jace pardee

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I'm doing fine. How is Blitzen? How's Comet? Is Mrs. Claus doing good? Are your reindeer in shape? I'd hope so. Are the elves doing ok? How many toys were made this year? I'm guessing around 300-490 toys were made this year. Is there enough snow for you to land when you get back to the North Pole? I'll leave a big plate of cookies out for you! I'd also like an art set and beanbag.


Ella Strangford

Deer santa,

How are the reindeer? I will leave some cookies out for you but thay won't be as good as Mrs claus so don't be mad . The cookies are for you because you travel around the world. My family does not have a chimaminy, so use your powers and go thru the wall.I want a xbox lx, and a headset. Have a good day.


Kaleb frye

Dear Santa,

Hi, how you been doing? I heard that you have been working very hard this year. How are your elves? How are your reindeer? I hope you like chocolate chip cookies. This year I don't care what I get. It would be nice to have a warm blanket that can last me all winter, and maybe a bath bomb kit. My siblings deserve anything they want. Also can you give my mom and dad a break from working? I really want is a enjoyable Christmas with my family. Also, for Mick and Tyra to have a good basketball season. Thanks, Merry Christmas!


Nasya O'Connor

Dear Santa,

How are all your reindeer doing? Is Rudolph's nose still glowing? Is Mrs. Clause staying busy? Do you like m&ms? Are all the elves healthy? Could you leave your answers on the plate of cookies, please. Tanner (my year and a half old brother) would like some thing with music. Sasha (my five year old sister)would love any soft electronic toy. Ayla (my 8 year old sister) would like a new cowgirl hat. My siblings were all amazing this year and definitely deserve to be on the nice list. Lastly me, I'm am not entirely sure if you can give me what I want, but I would love for all my family to be together and happy on Christmas.


Adlen Byrne

P.S. Thanks for all the great presents.

Dear Santa,

Hello Santa, I was wondering how it is going at the toy shop and if you have all of the presents ready? Do you have over a thousand elves and also how do you get down the chimney when there is a fire? I wanted to ask if you could get something special for my three awesome sisters? I was also wondering if you could get something for me like a jet ski


Wyatt Melton

Dear Santa

How is the North Pole? I hope it is going good. How is Mrs. Clause? Are the elves being put to work? Is Rudolph's nose still bright? How many times has he guided your sleigh now? Have a good christmas.


Braxton Bucholz

Dear Santa

Hey Santa,how are you doing today? What is Mrs.Clause's name? How are your elves doing? Santa, I want a Trick Truck for christmas. I promise I have been really, really nice and good.


Braden Dayle Montgomery

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs.Claus doing? How are the reindeer? Is Rudolph doing good I hope he is? Do different countries have Christmas on a different day than America? Is the north pole really cold. Also are you freezing? Are you up all day making presents? I don't know what to get for my siblings. I want a new saddle for my horse. I hope your doing well.



Dear Santa,

How many toys have your elves made? Don't eat any cookies just yet. You need to wait for Christmas! Is Rudolph still leading the sleigh with his red nose? What good things has Mrs. Clause baked? What is your favorite elf? Do you have a favorite Reindeer too? How many people do you have to deliver to? For Christmas this year,I would like a compound bow. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Corlan Laughery

Dear Santa,

How are you? Because I am great, matter of fact I'm better than ever. How is the toy making going? What are Mrs. Clause and the reindeer doing? Do you have very many elves this year? It would be great if you could give me a mini dirt bike. What do you want for Christmas? Also all my friends deserve almost anything they ask for.


Chace Loehding

Dear Santa ,

I hope you have a good time going around the world in a reindeer sleigh. I wish I could see you, But our chimney will have a fire in it. My brother doesn't believe in you,but I do .I don't think my mom does.I only wish one thing, I had my lego's back.


James Thornock

Dear Santa,

I want lego sets,but I don't want any ninjago lego sets. but I want star wars lego ships. Santa how are your elfs? Also how are your reindeer? What is your favorite cookie? Also I guess I want a sleeping bag. So I hope you get me one for christmas. Please santa can you get me everything I ask for.


Owen Poppema

Sixth grade

Santa going down the chimney.

Tree in rows of three.

Angels flying around.

Ringing bells downtown.

P.S. I would like a snowboard for Christmas.

James Enos

The white snow sparkles in your eyes.

The reindeer start to fly high.

Then when you go ho ho ho.

The reindeer go low low low.

When you put the presents under the tree.

You go up the chimney with the flea.

The children go down to the tree.

Looking at the gifts that were free.

When they tear the gifts with cheers and glee.

Santa Claus came to me.

Barbara Rose Elmore

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Icicles hang from a shed.

Santas elves looking at the naughty and nice list.

Tinsel hanging from a tree.

Love the snow as it falls from the sky.

Evergreen Christmas trees shining so bright.

Toboggans sliding down the hill with kids having fun on them.

Ovens busy cooking dinner.

Exchanging presents on Christmas Eve.

Kendra Tooke

Dear Santa claus

How are your reindeer doing this year?I hope you like the decoration on the tree? How are you doing and Mrs. Claus?

All I want for Christmas is something for my puppy. It is a Christmas bed.

Love Shaun-tey

Cookies baking in the oven.

Holly hanging all over.

Reindeer up on housetops.

Ice skating in a rink.

Santa bringing presents.

Tree decorated by ornaments.

Mistletoe hanging on a door.

Angels around the world.

Silent night, Holy night.

Preston Jensen

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the knife you gave me last year. How are the reindeer doing? I hope that it is not to cold for you on Christmas Eve. I will leave the reindeer carrots so they don't get to tired. I hope that the reindeer did not get sick last year in the winter when it was so cold? I hope that Mrs. Claus is doing good. I would like a bow and arrow if you have enough room in the sleigh. I will make sure to give you a cookie and a glass of milk, so you do not get to exhausted. Hope you make it here all right and you do not get stuck in the snow. What kind of cookie do you want on Christmas Eve?

From Travis Schallenberger

Carols at my door.

Rudolph guiding Santa's sleigh at night.

Ornaments hanging from the tree.

Star's shining so bright in Bethlehem.

Sugarplums dancing in the children's head.

Zander Ashbrook


Beautiful original

Dancing prancing singing

Happy jolly

North Pole

Nicole P.S I would like a quilt for Christmas.

Jolly old Saint Nick went creeping into the house.

Elves making presents for Santa.

Skating at the Snowball on Christmas Eve.

Unwrapping gifts together with my family.

Sledding on the hill at Grandfather's house.

P.S All I want for Christmas is to see snow on the ground.

Tegan Diede


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