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Upcoming USDA Farm Service Agency deadlines for farmers and ranchers

In order to comply with FSA program eligibility requirements, all producers, including livestock producers, are encouraged to visit their local FSA office to file an accurate crop certification report by the applicable deadline.

The 2018 Acreage Reporting/Crop Certification Deadline is Monday, July 16 for Spring Seeded Alfalfa Seed, Forage Seeding, Conservation Reserve Program, Fruit (except cherries), Vegetables, Christmas Trees, and all Spring-Seeded Crops and any other crops not required to be reported by previously announced deadlines.

Producers with losses caused by flooding or other natural disasters are reminded to timely report losses to the local FSA office.

Other upcoming FSA deadlines include:

• Now through August 1: 2018 Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage annual sign up period

• Now through August 1: Open Nomination Period for the 2018 FSA County Committee Election

• Now through Oct. 1: 2019 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program Application Closing Date for Annual Fall-Seeded Crops, Perennial Forage and Grazing, Mixed Forage Crops (including spring seeded annual types of missed forage), Rye, Speltz, Triticale, Wheat and Garlic

• May 15 to July 15: Montana Primary Nesting Season

For more information, call or visit the local FSA office at 406-775-6355, ext. 2 in Ekalaka.


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