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Water, water, everywhere

Water, water, everywhere.

You don't have to be an ancient mariner to see we have plenty of water around us. People are filling sandbags, checking flood insurance policies or waiting for fields to dry up so they can plant.

From a recreation point of view, too much water makes it difficult, impossible or downright dangerous to boat or float or fish. That leads to a lot of grumbling about something we have no control over.

Life underwater is exciting, too but sometimes in a good way and for different reasons.

Here's the recipe for a good aquatic time: Take one part high flows and add equal helpings of rising water temperatures and increasing daylight.

Stir a bit and wait, though not too long. The combination flips a hormonal switch in spring spawning fish species like walleye, perch, northern pike and rainbow trout.

The same holds true for amphibians on the prairie. We'll get to those creatures, but first, fish.

Water temperature needs only to increase two or three degrees Fahrenheit for some fish species to start looking for places to spawn. Humans have a hard time distinguishing between, say, 40 and 43 degrees water temperature. Not so for walleye or trout.

Daylight length rules everything on land from plants to animals. At the very least, we enjoy more daylight hours on spring and summer days. Yet daylight is also noticed underwater; even in turbid, muddy water.

Of the three fish spawning ingredients, high water flows might be the easiest for us to see, but it takes all three in the proper proportions for fish to begin their annual spawning ritual.

However, do not think all is a big party underwater. Newly deposited fish eggs can suffer all types of calamities. Too much water or too much silt in the water can destroy trout nests, called redds, or smother eggs. Spring wind storms and crashing waves can damage developing eggs of perch, walleye and northern pike.

Even young fish can be swept out of their protective cover by surging flood water.

All of which explains why, depending on the species, female fish deposit thousands of eggs: Only a fraction survive to become adults.

Excess water, more daylight and rising water temperature affect other species that depend on water, like amphibians.

Right now temporary pools of prairie water host frogs, toads and salamanders are having their own Brigadoon moment.

Boreal frogs are heard everywhere in the spring and early summer. During their breeding season, their loud, short chirp resembles the slow running of a thumb over the teeth of a comb and seems to come from every prairie pond and water-filled roadside ditch.

By midsummer, the inch-long frogs will disappear underground, beneath vegetation, into water tanks or even building foundations – anywhere they can keep their skin moist.

Joining the boreal frog in those ephemeral pools may be several toad species and the tiger salamander, perhaps the weirdest looking creature on the prairie. Its body features blotches of olive or pale-yellow on a black or dark green background – nature's own psychedelic poster.

Water. We may hate and fear it. And this time of year, curse it.

But it gives life to so many species.


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