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Extension sheep production workshop

Sheep producers in the area will have the opportunity to brush up on the economics of sheep production, risk and drought management tools, and parasite management at a sheep production program, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph.

The program is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Broadus VFW. A supper will be served, and will include lamb donated by Broadus Meats. This workshop is supported by grant funds from the USDA Risk Management Agency, Wyoming Extension, and MSU Powder River Extension.

Producers of lamb and wool face many challenges each day that require their attention. These challenges include things like dealing with and preventing disease, getting ewes fed and protected from predators, or moved to the right pasture, getting ewes bred, getting lambs on the ground and started out right, and many others. These daily challenges require a lot of time and effort to get them done right. Because of this time commitment on these essential tasks, often things like marketing, economic analysis and risk management get put on the back burner.

Bridger Feuz, Livestock Marketing Specialist for University of Wyoming Extension, will present on economic tools designed to help producers ask questions like; “Should I consider marketing my lambs early or later to take advantage of market trends? What can I afford to pay for replacement ewes? Is it better to market my lambs direct, at an auction barn, or should I use a video auction?” The tools are straightforward and are utilized by many producers to make decisions like these and many others. Feuz will also talk about risk management strategies for sheep producers. These strategies include ways to manage price risk and ranch revenue, as well as mitigating weather risk like drought.

Flock management and health is also a key driver in producer success. Dr. Whit Stewart, Extension Sheep Specialist for University of Wyoming, will discuss internal and external parasite management in sheep. Stewart will share recent findings and the importance of utilizing the right vaccination protocol and strategy to insure herd health.

“I recognize it is a busy time of year for sheep producers, trying to save lambs,” said Extension Agent Rumph. “However, we have an opportunity to utilize a couple sheep specialists from Wyoming Extension who will be in our area Wednesday evening and I hope some producers are able to join us for the evening,” she added.

Supper will be available beginning at 6:00 p.m. Please contact Powder River Extension Office at 436-2424 for more information.


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