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Cattle nutrition seminars

Feed costs account for the largest input cost in a ranching operation. Are you feeding your livestock the most efficient way possible? Join us for our cattle nutrition seminar on November 14th in Ekalaka or November 15th in Baker.

The program in Ekalaka will be held at the Parish Hall, in conjunction with the Annual Carter County Sheep and Cattle Growers Meeting. The Meeting with start at 1:00 with the nutrition program beginning around 4:00. There will be a meal, silent auction and door prizes.

On Wednesday, November 15th the program will be held at the Fallon County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall starting at 10:00 a.m. It will include lunch. There will be a $10.00 fee. Please RSVP with the Extension Office, (406) 778-7110.

Program Topics will include:

Cow Herd Nutrition and Alternative Feed/By-Products

Dr. Greg Lardy, North Dakota State University Extension

Drought can have a major impact on feed cost in a beef cattle operation. By-products and alternative feeds can be used as a supplement or forage replacements. Dr. Lardy’s presentation will cover the basic of ruminant nutrition. Additionally, he will cover recommendations for feeding a variety or alternative feeds and by-products commonly available in this region and how they can be used to provide nutrients during drought.

Heifer Development in the Feedlot or Native Range?

Dr. Andy Roberts, USDA-ARS Fort Keogh

Comparison of heifers weaned into a feedlot and developed at ~1.4 lbs/d to fence line weaned heifers left on the range and developed at ½ to ¾ lb/d provides insight into how using native range and two strategies for supplementation can decrease cost of heifer development and improve production efficiency as a cow.

Drought Management Options

Dr. Janna Kincheloe, North Dakota State University Extension

This presentation will cover drought management strategies including developing a drought management plan, efficient utilization of forages and alternative feeding options.

How Drought Impacts Record Keeping, Culling & Body Condition Scores

Dr. Megan Van Emon, Montana State University Extension

Van Emon will be discussing culling, record keeping, how to use your records to make cull decisions, and how drought impacts culling decisions. She will also talk about body condition scoring, how to do it, and nutritional impacts on Body Condition Scoring.

The seminar will also be held in Hulett and Miles City. If you have questions or would like to RSVP, contact the Fallon/Carter County Extension Office at (406) 778-7110 or [email protected].


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