Your Community Builder

August new pool update

Current funds available for construction of a new pool in Ekalaka are: $49,419.58/town’s restricted cash new pool account (last August they were at $28,406.12); $108,531.43/pool committee funds; $11,945.20/Lions Club; and $12,003.06/Meadowlark Club. This adds up to a total of $181,899.27. When that is combined with the $150,000 Fish, Wildlife and Parks Grant that was approved, there is $331,899.27 available for the construction of a new pool.

A Go Fund Me page has also been set up for the new pool project. Interested donors can go to the town’s facebook page or to and a search for Ekalaka. Please share the information/link with all contacts and friends to get the project completed. Help is needed; spread the word!

Additionally, pool raffle tickets are available at local businesses and the Town Office.

The Town of Ekalaka and the New Pool Committee acknowledges and thanks those who have recently made donations to the Town’s Restricted Cash - New Pool Account as listed below:

Individuals/Businesses Donations

Main Street Market; Ella Voise; and Janet & David Dill

In Memory of Owen Stieg

Whitey & Audrey Schweigert

In Memory of Dorothy Stieg

Ernest & Peggy Tooke

In Memory of Tom Heggen

Bill & Cathy Frye

Financial support of this project is still needed! To contribute a tax deductible donation for a new Ekalaka swimming pool, please mail a check (payable to the Town of Ekalaka) to: Town of Ekalaka, PO Box 338, Ekalaka, MT 59324. Please indicate in the memo line “New Pool.”


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