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Bright Ideas


Last week I couldn’t remember if I’d sent the Eagle a Bright Idea! If I had, my computer didn’t show it; if I didn’t I was busy trying to write a caption for the VFW Auxiliary raffle quilt. I didn’t do a very good job, trying to beat a deadline. I should do better in the Aux. ad.

Memory is the first sign of dementia; could that be beginning? Medicines I take could lead to that, experts tell me. Replacement medicines are recommended. I’ll see what our PAs, or my pharmacist says. Todd would know.

MS itself could lead to dementia. That’s all I need. Reducing medications would leave me more alert, but would I be in pain? Ever since diagnosed with MS I’ve needed an afternoon nap. I nap longer now, an hour and a half. I get up in time for the 4:30 pm CBS news. Then I look for baseball on channel 476.

I don’t like to watch the Cubs get defeated, Kansas City Royals, or St. Louis Cardinals, two teams from my home state of Missouri. I like Eric Hosmer, first baseman with the Royals, Salvador Perez, their catcher, and Jorge Bonifacio, another homer hitter.

My favorite player with the Cardinals is Yadier Molina, the catcher. He is covered with tattoos, and has been with them for many years, but he still hits home runs. If anyone wants to gain favor with me, get me bobble heads of my stars (and their stars, too).

And I will try to remember Bright Ideas for every week, and have some weeks ahead.

I could write about our president’s tweets. His scathing remarks about Jeff Sessions; Sessions’ tolerance of scathing, morning outbursts. What happens next? He fires Sessions once I’ve sent a story to press? I’d be too late to correct. This man knows nothing about weekly newspapers’ deadlines.

What happens about son’s and son-in-law’s Russian discussions, trying to get dirt on Hilary Clinton. I don’t deny the Clintons have plenty of dirt clinging to them. That’s why I want a new, seasoned, clean Democrat for the next presidential contest. We have plenty of time to find them, don’t limit the search to one.

We need a respectable crop of Democrats to whittle down for 2020. I’ll just wait as patiently as I can for the next presidential election. If Donald Trump doesn’t do a tremendous job, he will not be re-elected. The presidency usually changes parties every four or eight years. I can wait for another three and one-half years; I don’t know about seven and a half years. I’d be 73! Would that be possible? Only with God’s help. Is the Holy Father also a Democrat? Does He like baseball, too?


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