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Carter County 4-H All Events Day

Carter County 4-H youth showcased their talents at the 2017 All Events Day, held May 31 at Carter County Events Center.

The day began at 10:00 am with Market Sheep weigh-in. There were six lambs weighed and tagged in Ekalaka. Ten sheep and one goat were weighed-in at Alzada the following day.

While the sheep were being weighed, 4-H Members began setting up and preparing for the 4-H Foods Festival. A wonderful display of food and decorated table settings were presented to interviewers Melody Loken and Mardi Guyer. Senior member Heather LaBree won the Grand Champion ribbon with her hot beef sundaes. Other senior members participating included Hannah LaBree and Tanner McInerney. Junior 4-H members participating included Darin Schallenberger, who received Grand Champion with his white lasagna; Natalie Foxley; Heidi LaBree; Corlan Laughery; Keenan McInerney; and Owen Poppema. Everyone attending enjoyed a potluck luncheon featuring all of the dishes prepared for the 4-H Foods Festival.

Following the potluck luncheon, 4-H youth tested their skills in a small projects judging. They had several classes to judge ranging from the best needle to use to give a calf a shot to the most nutritional breakfast. Grand champion in the junior division was Keenan McInerney followed by reserve champion Brennen Bonsell. Grand champion in the senior division was Heather LaBree followed by reserve champion Grafton Bonsell.

Norma Jardee evaluated and interviewed Hannah and Heather LaBree for the quilt show.Both received grand champion on their quilts.

A communications contest followed the small projects judging and quilt show. Mardi Guyer and Pam Castleberry were the official judges for this event. Hannah LaBree received grand champion on her demonstration titled "How to Decorate Cupcakes."

A guest speaker, Tyler Johnson, did an illustrated talk on 4-H robotics and how to construct a doodle robot. The day concluded with the awards ceremony. Participating youth received a certificate and gift.

To request a copy of the cookbook with recipes entered in this year's 4-H Foods Festival competition, or for questions about 4-H and its many educational opportunities, contact the Fallon/Carter Extension Office at 406-778-7110.


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