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  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jul 21, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, the month of July has wind, thunder, lightning, and some think July is a wonderful time for us to lie on our backs and watch thunder heads lift, suggesting snow peaks range upon range. White clouds sail along, reminiscent of a fleet of merchant sailing ships from long ago paintings. They sail where the wind wills, across the summer sky. Lord, You have made the summer skies more beautiful to see beyond the telling. Could one say the winds hunt us up as if we were hiding? One gets t...

  • Memories

    Loyd Townsend|Updated Jul 21, 2022

    Sorry it has been some time since my last article, but I will continue with old businesses and individuals who owned and operated them. The last article was about Pickards Market, later Main Street Market. The building is still there but vacant. Next door and to the east was a business I only kind of remember because it was many, many years ago. The name was Schnapps Cafe. I was in the building but don’t remember eating there. Well let’s go to “Shifting Scenes” for more information which can be found in Vol. II, page 780. The...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jul 21, 2022

    I know many people are dealing with the tragic aftermath of unprecedented flooding along the Yellowstone river and many of its tributaries last month. I remember our experience with disaster agencies during our last flood in 2011. Fortunately, we were not negatively affected by flooding this year, but I remember well when our house was declared uninhabitable, and I was delighted and relieved, because it meant we would receive federal disaster aid! My heart goes out to all of the flood victims who will not be lucky enough to...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jul 14, 2022

    Western movies often portrayed the camp cook as a cranky drunk. I think this stereotype evolved for a darn good reason... they had to be cranky and/or drunk to survive! Camp cooking is such a fine and pleasant misery that I'd probably do it for free gratis just for the adventure. However, that does not prohibit me from complaining about the job--especially now that I have retired from wilderness camp cooking. The only job description for a back country camp cook I was ever given came from a packer/guide, whom I will refer to...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jul 14, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, it was precious to see a gentleman help a young lady gather her two little kids and help them into church while she carried a baby. He helped them cross the parking lot, helped keep them together, while their Daddy parked the car. The gentleman asked the little girl where she was going; she said, “…to church and Sunday school, ‘cause the teacher is going to tell us how to Shine for Jesus.” He smiled, took her hand, as she was headed in the wrong direction; Mama smiled. Then Daddy arriv...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jul 7, 2022

    Since the 500 year flood we just experienced, most rivers and creeks are running high and muddy, which makes all of us happy--except those planning a fishing trip. These summers of social distancing made camping and fishing the ideal pastime, especially because the fly fisherman has been glamorized and romanticized almost as much as the Gary Cooper/Marlboro cowboy image. Movies like “A River Runs Through It” have made fly fishing a huge industry in our part of the country, and I am glad because it provides me with a lot of...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jul 7, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, it is so great to see Sunflowers – they sprout in a carefree manner all over the world. Pollinated by bees, the plants spring up on the sides of highways, under bird feeders, and across fields, in meadows, and also in prairies. If we plant the seeds to produce a harvest, however, sunflowers need good soil. Well-drained, slightly acidic, nutrient-rich soil “with organic matter or composed,” says the “Farmer’s Almanac,” finally produces tasty sunflower seeds, pure oil, and also a liveli...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jun 30, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, Flag Day’s past, 4th of July’s ahead; a friend shared about a soldier’s funeral; The American Flag Folded 13 Times: The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life. The second fold is a symbol of our belief in eternal life. The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing our ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of our country to attain peace throughout the world. The fourth fold represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trustin...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jun 29, 2022

    This is the time of year when I occasionally volunteer to do other's chores while they slip away for a day or two for a pre-haying vacation that usually lasts one day and involves a rodeo. Recently, we were tasked with taking care of our daughter's family's two dogs, two cats, 24 fish, 15 chickens, 4 ducks, and a gecko. We averaged one missing duck and one missing chicken per day, so we were really glad when they returned home to relieve us of a miserably failed duty as we had run out of ducks and were quickly running out of...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jun 23, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, sometimes a fascinating and thought-provoking blurb is found, recently just discovered one exciting enough to share. This one explains in a simple way, how when we commit our ways to You, Lord, that You make Your Power come to pass. It uses Bible verse Romans 9:17. “…I [have] raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee…” and goes on to explain an easy way to grasp this Power. Date is unknown but, long ago, Billy Graham wrote about how Walter Knight told a story about a little...

  • Carter County Public Health Corner

    Updated Jun 23, 2022

    submitted by Carter County Public Health Free School Aged Shot Clinic including kindergarten and 7th grade | Don't miss out! Call us at 406-775-6332 to pre-register. The clinic is open to all school-aged kids (public, country, home-schooled). The Care Van will be located at Carter County Museum, Friday July 22 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Pre-registration is required. The Public Health Department and the BCBS Care Van have teamed up to offer these vaccinations for no out-of-pocket cost. The museum also plans to host an event...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jun 22, 2022

    I have always been a Martha Stewart fan, which I believe I can admit now that she's been out of jail for a long time. I loved her shows and website, but as a backcountry cook I would like to see Martha pack everything in on mules and serve it in a swarm of horse flies. Just in case she wants to expand into the area of creative backcountry cookery, I have decided to share a few ideas that (exactly like Martha) I have stolen or concocted. First of all, outfitters in general do not like to pack squishy things like artichokes,...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jun 16, 2022

    When you live on a creek or a river, flooding is a springtime fear. It is ironic that we have prayed for rain since March, but now that the flooding has begun we are almost tempted to pause that prayer. Many areas of our state are still in severe drought, but we are under flood watches. The last major flood washed out our bridge, and we vowed we would move to Cohagen, Montana if it happened again. Fortunately for the residents of Cohagen our new bridge, which cost us and FEMA a lot of money, has held strong so far. It is not...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jun 16, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, sometimes things pop up and seem to fit right in – so – here’s an acronym written by Lowell Lundstrom [date unknown], portraying important qualities regarding fathers. He wrote that American families are falling apart because of the failure of fathers to fulfill their God-given role. The acronym: F – FEAR – in Eccl.12:13 Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived said,” Fear God, and keep His commandments; For this is the whole duty of man.” Pro 1:7 – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning...

  • Memories

    Loyd Townsend|Updated Jun 9, 2022

    I am going to continue on the old Ekalaka business places, people and locations. My next business on main street was the Pickard Market owned by Charles and Victoria Pickard. I am going to spend some time on this family which is given in Shifting Scenes Vol. II pages 689-690. If you have this book, read it. Charles was born in England and at age 16 came to the United States. In 1910 he decided to go West and reached Belle Fourche, South Dakota where he found no employment. He...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jun 9, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, it’s fun to think that June 8th is called Best Friends Day as well as the 8th having several other names, but it is also fun to think about special things that happen that help us recognize that it is headed toward Summer Time. How about a look-to list called Day Brighteners? “Sun moves rapidly Northward… Prism of rainbows… New quilt started… Hair cut… Furniture dusted… Windows get washed…. Picture from friends… Full gas tank… Friends at library… Red apples in bowl… Grapes on special...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jun 8, 2022

    Facebook and Google and email are wonderful things, but I believe we are living more fearfully because of them. Every day I receive hundreds of messages, memes, and emails. Some of them are tips from readers who would like me to pass along life altering information. Sometimes, I do try to fact check that information with sites like though I have it on good Facebook authority that Snopes is just a husband and wife from southern California who offer their liberal opinions on everything from urban legends to...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jun 2, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, family, friends and loved ones seem to be losing family, friends and loved ones, every week or every month. How great that remaining dear ones have a ‘time’ together, sharing special deeds and thoughts of those who’ve passed on. At one ‘gathering’, friends and family shared about their special ‘Ms. B.’; what she’d meant to them, all she’d shared, quilts she’d made for family, friends and even several she’d sent to an orphanage. On and on they chatted when suddenly there was a pa...

  • Carter County Public Health Corner

    Updated Jun 2, 2022

    submitted by Carter County Public Health COVID-19 vaccine and testing | On Thursday, June 9th appointments are available for the COVID-19 vaccine (both primary and booster doses). Free COVID-19 At Home Test Kits are also available for residents. These are easy to use and provide quick results in 15-30 minutes. They can be used for various reasons including right before or close to attending an indoor event or a gathering. Free shot clinic for kindergarten and seventh grade vaccinations | Don’t miss out! Call Carter County P...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jun 2, 2022

    As the primary elections loom in Montana next week, I find myself not on the ballot for the first time in 16 years. I have decided to hang up my red pencil after 41 years in education at the end of my fourth term as County Superintendent of Schools this December. Having run for public office, I feel the pain of those running in contested races. It is not easy to run for office any place, but living in a small community makes it even harder! I remember well the first time I ran for my County Superintendent of Schools position...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated May 25, 2022

    With this column, I have completed my 27th year of writing a weekly humor/recipe column. Back when Linda Grosskopf hired me to take over writing "Cooking in the West" for the Agri-News, the only job description she gave me was," Just run some great recipes, write some funny stuff about your life, and have it in my email inbox every Monday morning." That sounded easy enough, so 324 columns later, I am sitting here on my laptop on a Sunday night trying to cheer up enough to write something funny to share this week. I should sto...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated May 25, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, the melody of that old hymn, “For The Beauty Of The Earth,” brought to mind “Care of the Earth” and “Stewardship” and Psalms 24:1: “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” If we go to checking out the hymn itself, which was written by Folliott S, Pierpoint (1835-1917), one finds that there are two additional verses seldom printed in any hymnals – probably no wonder, as which song leader ever leads to sing all four – or for that matter, all seven verses of anything!! More is the...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated May 19, 2022

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, most of us believe that the Bible is Your inspired word and the foundation of our life and faith, but our behavior sometimes denies this. We have traditionally devalued history into ‘back then’ which has nothing to do with today. Somehow the point is missing that it is false to think that each person can decide what is true for themselves. The Bible is neither fiction nor textbook fact; it is a story that is true – it tells us who we are and who You are, God. In general, the Bible i...

  • Memories

    Loyd Townsend|Updated May 19, 2022

    Some days are long and for some reason I have been thinking of past businesses, their location and owners. Let’s begin with the old post office building where I started to work on April 1, 1950 under Postmaster E.E. Sykes. The north side of the building was occupied as a Western store and operated by Albert and Roberta Phelps, later by Claire Whitney. The post office was transferred to the north side later and a grocery store owned by Clarence and Ina Crystal was located in the old post office side. Today, the senior c...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated May 19, 2022

    As an English teacher, I love to read. The problem is that I never have time to finish a book. In fact, since the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial celebration back in 2004, I have been trying to read “Undaunted Courage”. My copy is dog-eared only from being drug around in my car for 18 summers. I spend the summer driving back and forth between our places near Bozeman, Big Timber, and Musselshell, Montana, and I vow every summer that I am going to actually finish the book, but I never do. I use it for weights in my suitcase, but...

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