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  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jun 22, 2023

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, sometimes puzzles are pretty fun to do. Friend ‘Leah’ mentioned, as we visited, sharing that she remembered her folks doing jigsaw puzzles on their card table, sometimes even on one end of their dining room table – then giggled. She shared that her mom had mentioned that her parents also did those old-time puzzles, as after they had passed, they found several boxes of old jigsaw puzzles in one of their closets. “Mama recalled that grandma and grandpa sat close together, now and then...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jun 22, 2023

    With all of the discussion about artificial intelligence having the potential to run amuck and perhaps wipe out mankind, I have become more sensitive to my interactions with artificial intelligence--namely our Amazon Alexa. Technology has the potential to make everyone’s life better but apparently also the potential to put millions of people out of work and threaten our very existence if the algorithms go rogue. One career that will likely be among the last to become dominated by artificially intelligent bots is the horse p...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jun 14, 2023

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, sometimes what kids say is special. Take for instance what Adam shared about his little boy, who asked, “Dad, what time is it? Adam told Al that it was 5:30, though he knew what Al was going to say, even IF he was sitting in the back seat. Al piped up, “No, Dad, it’s 5:28!” Adam watched Al’s face light up. Gotcha...his beaming smile said it all. Adam continued; “I felt delight, too, the kind of delight that comes from knowing your child in the way that only a parent can know their ch...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jun 14, 2023

    It has been raining every day for the last couple of weeks, and the best thing about the rain is that it has given me a little recliner time to read “A Bard in Boots” by Darrell Arnold. My friend, Mark Silverstein, who is a friend of Darrell’s, brought me a signed copy of this book of cowboy poems that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading. If Darrell’s name seems familiar, it is because he is a photojournalist who was the editor and publisher of Cowboy Magazine from 1990 to 2008. I have chosen to share Darrell’s poem that seems...

  • Carter County Public Health Corner

    Carter County Public Health|Updated Jun 8, 2023

    Stay connected by visiting our Facebook page at Carter County Public Health. You can also give us a call anytime Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at (406) 775-6332. The Smiles Across Montana (SAM) team visited us in May and provided preventative dental care to kids from across the county area. SAM services include exams, cleanings, sealants, fluoride treatments, and x-rays necessary and prescribed by a dentist. These services are meant to support a relationship you may already have with a dentist. However, if you do...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jun 8, 2023

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, innumerable words have been, and still could be written about June. Here’s an excerpt from “God’s Calendar”, By William A. Quayle: “June is the rose month, but God’s calendar is not made by things men grow but by things God grows Himself. Wild roses, gentle of perfume, flushed like the cheeks of a happy girl, petal dainty as cut by some skilled lapidist from sardonyx freighted with wonder. Wild roses are not double. Some flowers do not improve by doubling up. The rose does not. Sim...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jun 8, 2023

    Parts of south-central Montana were pounded this past weekend by heavy rains, which have caused flooding that is painfully reminiscent of last year’s severe flooding. I just watched one tough cowgirl, Jonnie Jonckowski, weeping on the nightly news over the damage to her Angel Horse Rescue facility near Billings. My heart, prayers, and what I can donate go out to all affected by the flooding, and I know that helps a little because I have been there on a smaller scale in May 2011. I wrote this “Diary of a Flood” during that...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Jun 1, 2023

    Youth rodeo season is in high gear right now, and moms like Jenny Proue Gilbert are pounding down the road with their families and their horses in a horse trailer with living quarters gaining points and making memories in towns from Cohagen to Harlowton and beyond. Some of my fondest memories happened in youth rodeo arenas, so I loved this poem by Jenny about rodeo moms that I have to share this week. Jenny and her husband, Denver, have two kids, Molly (16) and Brody (12). They run cattle on the Bar Diamond Ranch just north o...

  • Superintendent's Corner

    Charles Cook, Superintendent|Updated Jun 1, 2023

    6-2-23 Ekalaka Public Schools want to thank the community for their support of our Elementary and Technology Levies which passed in May. We are grateful for the support the community continues to give to Ekalaka Public Schools. The class of 2022-2023 graduated on Saturday, May 20th. There were 25 scholarships passed out to the seniors, with a grand total of $91,000 dollars being granted. Congratulations to the seniors and we wish them well as they move on to new adventures in their lives. The 2023-2024 school calendar has...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Jun 1, 2023

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, dear Lord, time’s flying by; here comes the month of June. Next time we look, guess what we’ll see? A lovely bright full MOON! Lord, what could be so new and young, June’s dawn, so fresh and sweet, Wakes us to songs that birdies sing, just hear the birdies tweet! The green grass grows next to the hills, birds fly ‘round in the air; Flower perfume is everywhere, a scent we wish to wear. June’s dawn is fresh, sweet and clear, the valleys lie in mist. There is no hast, the day’s begun, it fee...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated May 25, 2023

    Memorial Day, which originated as Decoration Day, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. During World War I, the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars and expanded into a day of remembrance for loved ones and fallen soldiers. In 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May in order to create a three-day weekend for federal employees. The change went into effect in 1971. The same law also...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated May 25, 2023

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, some incidences happen at a most appropriate time! A friend recently shared a ‘story’ about how she and her friend ‘visited’ a favorite spot; after climbing a windswept hill, they crossed a field of wildflowers near a forest of towering pines, then descended into a valley where they paused for a moment. Clouds floated softly above them and a nearby stream trickled by. The only sounds they heard were birdsongs. They stood for about fifteen minutes she said, taking it all in. As it turn...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated May 18, 2023

    Another Mother’s Day has come and gone, and for those of us who have lost our mothers, it has become a day of remembrance. Losing my mother made me realize how time spent with her was more valuable than any other gift I could give or be given. My mother, Florence Roberts, has been gone for 17 years, but sadly Alzheimer’s Disease stole her from me several years before that. Every year on Mother’s Day, I tried to write a column that would help others understand that Alzheimer’s Disease is a family disease. Finally I found w...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated May 18, 2023

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, interesting ‘things’ happen, when a friend and her friend stop over, wanting to share a visit and some tea’; like fun, right?! J.C. began: “Hey, I just wanted to tell you about my guy. He’s one adorable chap, strong and brave, too. Interesting weather we’ve had, so, he got the tall ladder out, climbed to the top of the house, cleaned the eave troughs out. Looked scary to me, but he did a good job and safely climbed back down. He also helped the next-door elderly neighbors out...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated May 11, 2023

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, A DAY to remember our Mothers is Sunday. One chap wished to share a few thoughts: “I am made by God! And kiddo, you are made by God. Just as surely as ANY one, actually, every one of us, has been made by God, we have been made by Him and for Him. He knew us before anyone ever even knew we were there. God had plans for us before anyone planned our arrival and He made us so well! How do we know? Well, just look at all that God has made. He continued, “I like Psalm 139: 13-14 as God spea...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated May 11, 2023

    After my last week’s column about branding ran, several people contacted me to ask me to run my branding etiquette column here it is once more. An emergency room nurse once said to me, “Branding must be really dangerous, because we see a lot of people in the ER that have been hurt at a branding.” I suggested to her that one reason for that is that anymore many horsemen do not ride their horses enough to keep them highly trained. Many do not ride their horses often enough in the early spring, and then they hop o...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated May 4, 2023

    It is branding season, which is the season when it is fun to go to another ranch's brandings but not nearly as fun to host your own branding. As a veteran of many years of branding, I offer the following tips--especially for aging ranchers: #1. As you age, so do your friends, and older people are not the most desirable branding helpers. Cultivate friendships with young people who are good ropers or will make good wrestlers. You can still invite friends your age, but they will expect an easier job like vaccinating or more...

  • Carter County Public Health Corner

    Carter County Public Health|Updated May 4, 2023

    Exciting News! CCPH has three $500 scholarships open to Carter County seniors graduating with the class of 2023. This scholarship is open to all graduates from public schools or students following a home school curriculum. The deadline to apply is May 12. Upcoming Events! Smiles Across Montana | Preventative dental care clinic open to all school aged kids regardless of where they attend school. New kid sign up deadline is May 15 and the event date is May 22. Contact our office or check out our Facebook page for sign up and...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated May 4, 2023

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, sometimes one might ‘learn’ a few things from ‘teeny tots.’ That was pretty cute when ‘D.G.’ shared about a great grandchild of her ‘d-i-l’s’ grandmother. She said that the two of them were sharing lunch when ‘J.M.’ said, ‘Hey – would you believe that my teeny tot Izzie just turned two years old, and she can talk? She lives nearby four grandmothers and has named them! So cute. Izzie’s parents farm near her mother’s parents so, she’s named that grandmother, ‘Rancher Grandma.’ T...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Apr 27, 2023

    You know, Lord, sometimes we need to stop and take a breath – like, WHOA; MAY is almost upon us –WOW! What do we expect with MAY? Well, a friend decided to share some thoughts about MAY - like about how their wild crabapple blossoms are about to open, they already know that they will be so lovely! That is enough joy for any month. The wealth of aroma drenches the air. Before the blooms come, one anticipates their color, their perfume, their wild-wood wonder. When the blossoms do show up, they bask in sunlight on days of earli...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Apr 27, 2023

    In these times of crazy inflation, everyone is looking to save a few bucks or find more efficient ways to do things. I love household hints, so I have compiled a few that tickled my funny bone even if they are not legitimate. (Disclaimer: Do not actually try these household hints at home—yours or anyone else’s!) 1. When you receive your bill at a restaurant table, fill in the blank for tip with the negative of the amount of the bill and put $0.00 on the total line. (Bonus tip: Do not plan to eat at this restaurant aga...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Apr 20, 2023

    There are a lot of sleep deprived ranch families trying to function at this time of year, because calving happens 24/7. I loved this story written by Tucker Luthan about his wife Andrea. The Luthans run a cow/calf and farming operation in Idalia, Colorado, and this story is priceless! “A True Story from the Rafter TA” by Tucker Luthan Cold wasn’t a strong enough word to describe what the mercury was trying to say. The wind had swept up snow in its rage and thrown it wherever it thought handy the way a misunderstood presc...

  • Conversations with God

    Updated Apr 20, 2023

    Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, sometimes unexpected ‘things’ come together in surprising ways. ‘Miss Emy’ was delighted about Easter and how her family really liked John 8:12, a verse Jesus told his followers, before the Resurrection. She recited it: ‘When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’ She changed the subject then, talking about her company, which was mostly family, this time, and how she’d o...

  • Superintendent's Corner

    Charles Cook, Superintendent|Updated Apr 20, 2023

    In August 2022, Ekalaka Public Schools was able to become licensed and open a daycare for the school staff. With the closing of our only local daycare, the district felt a strong need to keep staff employed and therefore took on this project. In January, the district ran a poll to see the need in Ekalaka for daycare and the results were overwhelming. 22 families not included in the EPS daycare responded that they too are in need of daycare services in Ekalaka with 70% of them...

  • Cooking in the West

    Susan Metcalf|Updated Apr 13, 2023

    My mother had an old medical reference book that we called “The Doctor Book.” Any time we or anyone in the neighborhood for that matter were ailing, she would get it out and disseminate remedies. I think I have become my mother--except that I have discovered WebMD. Using WebMD is much easier than looking things up in the doctor book. With just a couple clicks, you can find all the maladies alphabetized. They also have a wealth of information on everything from whitening your teeth to the benefits of doodling to improve you...

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