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Some of Dick and Erma Albert’s family will be going to Hawaii, next week, for their granddaughter’s wedding, but Dick and Erma are not venturing that far. Their new grandson-in-law is from Hawaii, so it will be a great place for a wedding. Erma went to physical therapy in Buffalo, on Tuesday. Then, that afternoon, she and Fern went to visit Greta Turbiville’s, where they enjoyed the afternoon playing a few card games. On Wednesday, Erma had a dentist appointment in Belle Fourche. Dick and Erma went to the Senior Citiz...
Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, a couple cousins shared what their girls were looking for in boyfriends to make the boys super husbands. The cousins got a kick out of listening to that chatter - sensing that their girls had noticed several neighbors, some as super families, some just so-so. The cousins giggled, wondering if maybe they, as moms, should make a list to give to YOUNG mothers to encourage their little boys. C.Z. and M.C. took a look at their own husbands, making some comments. C.Z. mentioned: “My hubby’s...
With gas and diesel prices through the roof and inflation hitting our wallets month after month, there are many people who are having to get creative about providing food and shelter for their families. Urban camping is now a thing in places like Bozeman, Montana not just Seattle or Portland, and many families are resorting to multi-generational cohabitation. In fact, I have a whole lot more respect for the television family of the Waltons after living with three generations under one roof. I remember watching the Waltons...
Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, the teenager, ‘Susie’, stopped last week with an announcement. She opened the door, calling out in her accustomed greeting; ‘Nana! Are you home? I just heard something I’ve never heard before – wanna hear about It?’ She continued chatting, telling all about T.G.I.F. “You know what THAT means?” she chuckled. “That means, ‘Thank goodness it’s Friday’ and we’ve gotten through one more week, headed to the weekend.’” She said her daddy, with his weekend paycheck, wanted to go wash the...
September 25, 2023 Alvin and Marlee Cordell have had hunters visiting from Watertown, this week. Ryan Cordell and Wade Pearson vaccinated calves on Sunday. On Saturday night, Alvin and Marlee went south of Alzada for the J. O. McDonald seventieth birthday party. Alvin and George Davis had gotten thirty-five hundredths of rain. Erma Albert had a physical therapy appointment in Buffalo on Tuesday. She also visited the Senior Center to play bingo and cards. She didn’t win at bingo, but her luck was better at cards. Mosquitoes w...
September 18, 2023 The news will be a little short this week. Karen has been quite busy. She wrote out a very old song, and then she arranged her piano accompaniment and recorded the piano part. Next, she recorded her voice and added it to the mix. Then, she wrote out the violin part for the break in the middle. After that, she has been practicing every day to sing and play at Jeff Odell’s wedding. She sent the mp3 to Jeff and he passed it onto the DJ. With that done, she had to be sure she packed the violin along with her w...
Fall is an anxious time of year on ranches, because pre-conditioning, weaning, and shipping are the dreaded days of the year when ranchwives are called upon to sort a lot of cattle with their husbands. It is my hypothesis that there are many ranchers who go to bed at night this time of year without the benefit of having ingested a nice warm dinner. More likely they cooked themselves a frozen pizza or just had cereal. If you have not sorted a lot of cattle with your spouse, let me explain the dynamics of it. I know that when...
Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, You are the Creator – so YOU know that Autumn arrives on Saturday, according to several of the calendars hanging around here. Several friends have mentioned that, to them, it’s a yearly relief from those muggy mid-nineties that THEY have had, and now the cool breeze is inviting them, and maybe us, outside because the sun no longer seems so hot and angry. You know that we probably all grow a little weary of each season toward its end, but the beginning of every NEW season always brings...
September 11, 2023 Things cooled off at Capitol and Tie Creek this week. On Sunday, Karen Odell’s furnace came on, so it must be getting close to autumn. Dick and Erma Albert had dental appointments in Belle Fourche, on Tuesday, so they did some shopping while they were there. On Thursday, Erma had a physical therapy appointment in Buffalo. They went to pick up Delores Sperle, on Friday, and all of them went to the Senior Citizen Dinner at the Senior Center. The pork and mashed potatoes and gravy were delicious. Erma and D...
Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, sometimes unusual things happen when groups of gals get together. While enjoying tea on the patio, Lesha spoke up: ‘You know – a friend called, said Missy had lost her baby, not even one hour old. What a shock! I said: ‘Isn’t it great! Abigail returns to her heavenly home to her relatives until her mom and dad join her!’ I don’t know how THAT went over – but that’s what popped out of my mouth. Then Sal spoke up: “Reminds me of when I cleaned at a Care Center. One old guy wanted me t...
Many readers commiserated with me in my pack rat war that I recently recounted, but to be honest, the pack rat war was not the most fierce battle I ever fought as a camp cook. Now, hunting camp cooking is ordinarily a delightful experience!In fact, this week is the opening of the early season rifle, and I am homesick for the smell of wood smoke and kerosene lanterns and the bugle of bull elk. Hunting camp is a fine and pleasant misery where I get up at 3 a.m., try not to singe my bangs lighting the kerosene lamps, fire up...
September 4, 2023 It has been an unusually hot week for the beginning of September. The kids have already had two weeks of school in this terrible heat. Dick and Erma Albert were so glad to have their daughter, Heather, visiting on Monday. She went to Spearfish with them for their doctor’s appointment. After a week’s visit, Heather and her husband headed home on Tuesday. Erma had a chiropractor’s appointment in Buffalo on Wednesday. Then she went to physical therapy on Thursday. On Friday, they went to Senior Citiz...
Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, looking back to a time in our life, to someone who encouraged and helped us along our way, Lord, You may be calling us to DO the same for someone in our life who might need a bit of help, cheer or even some praise right now. K.A., a former neighbor shared how her special three sisters encouraged each other, no matter that they didn’t live near each other. It’s been a long while ago, but thinking about them, one of them became a teacher, one became a Dr., one was a devoted mother and w...
Social media is changing our lives, and it just might have the power to change the course of history. Everything we do now is chronicled on social media. World leaders are offended by each other’s tweets. Perhaps Twitter and Facebook won’t alter the course of history, but I cannot help but think they would have changed the perception of historic events if they had existed back in the day. Let me hypothesize a few historical examples to prove my point. #1. Christoper Columbus posting on October 12, 1492: “Yo, ho, ho, Isabe...
“All creatures, including me, get grouchy as summer turns into fall. Perhaps it is because we know winter is coming. The yellow jackets, hornets, and even honey bees become aggressive. And then there are the rodents that seem to want to move in before winter. I despise mice and rattlesnakes; however, there is no creature on earth more irritating and detestable than a packrat. I believe it is because they mark everything, so they ooze as they move, and they build a huge nest called a midden, wherein you might find e...
The heat headed back to Capitol and Tie Creek, this week, and the mosquitoes are still hanging around. The grasshoppers diminished, but had already done much damage. Maybe the mosquitoes drove some of them off. On various days, the air was filled with smoke from the Canadian fires, and the temperatures stayed mostly in the high eighties. Curt Zolnoski came to visit Clint and Denise Zolnoski’s, on Tuesday evening, to stay to help ultrasound yearling heifers on Wednesday. Curt, Clint, Gene Secrest and Ronda Cordell headed to t...
Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, it was interesting to read what Ms. Kathy K. was sharing about the word, ‘YET’; she wrote: ‘Near the end of this month, I will turn sixty, and, though the number seems big, I know that, in the rearview mirror, it will shrink, as did fifty, forty, thirty, twenty-one, and sixteen. At each milestone, I looked forward, imagining my future life. Now I can say without hesitation: almost nothing turned out as I expected. “I can also say that I have lost my faith that things would be the wa...
We are up and running for the 2023-2024 school year. We have five new teachers at Ekalaka Public Schools: 3rd Grade – Jersi Jimison; 5th Grade –Whitney Kittelmann; 6th Grade – Florie Fernandez; High School Business – Brandy Hansen; High School History – Zerasbeth Napoles. They have jumped on board with enthusiasm and are a positive addition to our staff. OPEN HOUSE/TITLE ONE PARENT MEETING: We will be having an Open House/Title I Parent Meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2023,...
The vicious mosquitoes attacked in full force, this week at Capitol and on Tie Creek. Dick and Erma Albert went to Rapid City on Wednesday, and stayed over for an appointment on Thursday morning. On Friday, they went to the Old Timer’s Picnic at Camp Crook and enjoyed the lamb and roast beef. They watched a little basketball at the Trevor Odell memorial three-on-three tournament, but after getting some ice cream from the Ladner ladies, they soon moved to the coolness inside the Community Hall. They went to the Saturday b...
Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, there are ‘rules’ everywhere you look, everywhere you go, everything you try to do, there always seems to be rules. On the road, at the border, and at work, there are rules, regulations, forms to be completed and guidelines to follow. Even silly computers try to tell ‘us’ what we can or cannot do, to what it can or cannot do! Ralph K. shares this passage from Romans 12:9: “Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good.’ Then he adds, “Are these just another set of...
Going back into the classroom has forced me to start going through the tubs of teaching materials that I have collected over 41 years in education. I have dusty tubs of outdated teaching materials that I could not possibly part with when I stopped teaching English and then again when I stopped teaching guidance and library. Seventeen years ago, my husband who has hauled those tubs around for 17 years, told me they should just go to the burn barrel, and he was definitely right. One summer I had to move and downsize my County...
Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know Lord, camping friends shared about gazing up into a night sky lit with stars – way too many to count. E.K. mentioned seeing a mesmerizing sight, but what had their focus was a paper lantern moving above their heads. How still the night was, hardly any wind to blow the ‘globe’ as it floated lazily toward the heavens. Along with their friends and the kids; “We all oohed and aahed as the glowing object moved over the tree tops and eventually beyond our vision”. Despite some rain that weeken...
“You are probably eligible for some kind of award from the Governor,” my husband commented one morning over coffee. After 41 years of marriage, I should have known better than to bite on that, but of course, I had to find out where this was going. “For what?” I asked even though I suspected the answer was not going to be a self esteem booster. “For being the oldest first year Home Ec teacher in the universe,” he answered smugly. “Well, it’s not Home Ec anymore. It is FCS, and you are right I should get some kind of award but...
It is that time of year again when summer vacation has ended and your children will be coming back to school. Teachers will come back for two days of professional development on Tuesday, August 15th and Wednesday, August 16th, 2023, with students reporting back for their first day of school on Thursday, August 17, 2023. We are looking forward to the 2023–2024 school year. We are committed to ensuring that there is effective teaching and successful learning taking place at E...
I was born Jan. 16, 1930 in Camp Crook, South Dakota to George R. and Jessie (Brewer) Townsend, with a 5-year-old brother, Robert. Camp Crook was an upcoming little community at the time. It had two grocery stores, 2 cafes, 2 garages, and of course, 2 bars. My dad moved the family to Ekalaka in 1935-36. In 1936 I was in the first grade. We lived in and rented a large apartment in an old, two-story, white building on the southeast side of town (north of the ASCS office now). Across the hall was a male musician who played for...