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  • Legislative update

    Jerry Schillinger|Updated Mar 4, 2021

    Working day 45 is fast approaching and the pace is picking up. It appears likely transmittal break will begin after session on Tuesday the 2nd. We will have the opportunity to dash home for a short break and be back in session March 8th. This past week we saw some good bills pass the House and unfortunately, some, not get across the finish line. HB 415 is an example of a good bill that died, on a 50 – 50 tie vote, largely I believe, because of some misinformation on The F...

  • Legislative update

    Jerry Schillinger|Updated Feb 25, 2021

    Monday of week 7 got rolling on the Floor with approval of a bill to eliminate restrictions on nuclear energy facility development. There are some very promising new technologies developing that could make nuclear a safe, dependable way to supply base load electricity. The recent failures in our system point out some of our power supply vulnerabilities. Survival, especially in places like the central and northern plains, depends on dependability! We also passed a resolution...

  • Legislative update

    Jerry Schillinger|Updated Feb 18, 2021

    Welcome to week 6 from the 67th session of the Montana House of Representatives. One of the highlights of the week to be sure was Governor Gianforte’s long awaited lifting of the statewide mask mandate. Now it is up to local officials to follow suit and get Montana back to work, back to school and back to normal. Along that line, Senate Bill 67 passed 2nd reading in the House today by a 71-29 margin. This bill eliminates the potential misdemeanor penalty in the law if local l...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Feb 18, 2021

    Thomas Jefferson said, “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Unfortunately, the Federal Government is now merged with the criminals! (See the admissions of conspiracy in “Time Magazine,” “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”). So we must now attempt to use some of the ‘chains’ to prevent tyranny. There have been and will be many attempt...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Feb 11, 2021

    Dear Editor, As a lifelong resident and tax payer in Carter County I found the information from the staff of Dahl Memorial and the County Commissioners very informative. I have always found the staff at the hospital very competent and am very thankful for their help many times. Unfortunately there is so much information that is never known. Last years virus has hit everyone, disrupted lives and made it extremely difficult for the health care workers. It was good to know how they have dealt with it all. The commissioners were...

  • Families in agriculture are adaptive, we all need them to continue

    Erwin Curry|Updated Feb 4, 2021

    I originally wrote this for my hometown newspaper, in which I try to avoid politics to some length. With this below I thought that it all needs to be said straightforwardly, and politics unfortunately is interwoven deeply into the matter at hand, quite unnecessarily I believe. Some may see some problems of thought within my writing. That is what I’m a writer here for, to transmit thought and ideas. And I certainly can’t speak directly for those now on the land trying to express their point of view. That would be dis...

  • Take the bull by the horns, legislature: Pass Country of Origin Labeling in Montana

    Updated Feb 4, 2021

    Consumers have the right to know the origin of their beef purchases, and ranchers have the right to a fair and competitive market. This is a reasonable expectation. However, since 2015 Congress specifically exempted beef and pork from labeling laws. Consumers do not know where their beef comes from, and ranchers do not have fair prices. If you are a consumer learning of this for the first time, you might be incredulous. The last time you purchased beef from the supermarket, the labels clearly stated “USDA Graded” and “Pr...

  • Legislative update

    Jerry Schillinger|Updated Jan 28, 2021

    Hello from Helena, Week three is just about in the bag. Many are headed home, but Carol and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our son Brett, daughter-in-law Haley and our grandchildren: Bryn, Bree, Keny and Kass! The pace is still somewhat slower than the norm, the veterans say, largely due to inefficiencies caused by new technologies allowing people to work away from the Capitol. I was just visiting with a bill drafter on the phone and could hear her little ones in the...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jan 28, 2021

    In response to the opinion letter published in the Ekalaka Eagle on January 22, 2021 signed by Ryan Tooke, CEO of Dahl Memorial Hospital; Dale Diede, PA; Carla Dowdy PA; Alexandra Loudermilk, NP; and Darryl Espeland, DO, the Board of Carter County Commissioners submit the following facts: First, the community needs to know that the Carter County Commissioners intend to continue to work with the Hospital Board to provide ongoing public health services to the citizens of Carter County. Second, this letter is a response to the c...

  • Outfitter bill would forever change Montana hunting

    Tom Puchlerz|Updated Jan 28, 2021

    Do you hunt with out of state family and friends? Do you hunt private lands without an outfitter or guide? Have you been applying for a Missouri River Breaks or Elkhorns bull tag for every single year? If so, you better pay attention. SB 143, sponsored by Sen. Jason Ellsworth, R-Hamilton, would turn the vast majority of non-resident big game licenses offered in Montana to “outfitter sponsored” tags favoring hunters with money who use outfitters. It would also create landowner licenses, and require that one quarter of spe...

  • Legislative update

    Jerry Schillinger, Montana House of Representatives|Updated Jan 21, 2021

    Hello from Helena and welcome to what I plan on being a weekly update on our legislative activity. This week will actually cover the 1st two weeks beginning on January 4th with swearing in of all 100 Representatives to the 67th legislative session. It didn't take long to realize that this legislative session was going to be greatly impacted by the fallout of the Chinese virus. It initially was rumored that the Democrat caucus was not going to show for swearing in but there is...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jan 21, 2021

    This letter comes from the need for us to speak the truth about the issues surrounding public health in Carter County and the impact this has on our community. Historically, Dahl Memorial Healthcare Association has been synonymous with public health. The public health nurse has been under the roof of Dahl Memorial for decades and often the job has been taken on by a Dahl Memorial employed nurse contracting with the county to carry out public health duties. But let us be clear; Carter County Public Health is, and has always...

  • Mayor's notes

    Updated Jan 21, 2021

    Dear Town of Ekalaka & Residents of Carter County, I was sitting here pondering what to say as we begin 2021. The first word that came to my mind about our community is resilient. I have lived in Ekalaka for over 50 years, and it always touches me how this community cares for those who are hurting, alone and struggling. I am so thankful that we have so many in this area who step up to do the hard things. Those at the hospital and nursing home have had to work tirelessly considering the pandemic. They have had to put their...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jan 14, 2021

    To my Ekalaka friends: Since leaving Ekalaka last February, so much has happened, I hardly know where to start. First, I would like to give thanks to all who helped my family make this move go as smoothly as it did. Whether it was helping clear out the shed, or preparing and running the sale, opening the house to show to interested people and keeping the yard mowed. The house has sold and I am living in an assisted living facility, the Tender Nest. My daughters helped me leave the Billings Clinic after a short stay in late...

  • Merry Christmas & Happy & Prosperous New Year

    Updated Dec 17, 2020

    Dear Friends, Neighbors & Clients, I do a very poor job of sending cards, so will pen this letter in summary of the past year. We at Mills Auction Service set out on a new venue in January to do four shows and then follow up with an auction for each. January saw the Western Show in Broadus, followed by the Indian Artifact show in February. The Military and April quilt shows were cancelled because of Covid19. The Spring (April) Community and Feldman Ranch Auction were victims as well. In May the Western Memorabilia &...

  • From the desk of Jim Phalen

    Updated Nov 23, 2020

    Returned for another opinion from Tobin’s desk. Thanks for some review from the previous week and especially for Bible verses as well as those Catholic ideas. Quite something that those Catholic ideas were followed in the Eagle with the election of the proclaimed Catholic President. So there is a lot of real and fake news!!! Jesus is the answer for your life today! Above Him there’s no other! Jesus is the way!!! John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believeth in Him shoul...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Nov 23, 2020

    There’s a time for everything. I have been wanting to write this letter for a long time. Listening to the Vice President Debate the other night that Socialist that’s running for Vice President with Joe Biden made the time right for this letter. When Harris was asked about abortion she said it’s my body, but the way I understand it the baby has it’s own body that’s growing in time of conception. If you plant any kind of a grain you get a crop if weather is right. When a woman gets pregnant she is pregnant with a living hu...

  • Montana needs an Indigenous People's Day

    Updated Nov 23, 2020

    “Destiny is the scape-goat which we make responsible for all our crimes and follies; a necessity which we set down invincible when we have no wish to strive against it.” Alexander Belfour (1767-1829), Scottish novelist. In 1296 English invaded Scotland, and two wars resulted. Scotland gained their independence, more or less. It is not remarkable that Belfour wrote the quote above. To my mind, he is writing with the past English occupation. Let’s consider now the mind of the Indigenous of the New World in relation to the q...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Oct 29, 2020

    In response to Walt Anderson’s Letter to the Editor in The Ekalaka Eagle, dated October 23, 2020, I could have proudly co-signed that letter. I believe Walt, Sr. and Morine Anderson, whom I remember fondly, would have been proud of their son today. Joy Neumann Miles City, MT...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Oct 22, 2020

    As we approach the election I have a question I would you all to think about and answer to YOURSELF. Whether you consider yourself to be a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or an Independent. Why are you? Is it because one or more of your parents were; friends, relatives, teachers, or your dog (the dog is probably correct, they are a pretty good judge of character). While many have already voted, those who haven’t — search your mind — it’s your vote that counts. Just because a candidate has a “D or an R or an L or an I” in f...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Oct 15, 2020

    Paragraph #1 After reading the second lengthy letter to the Eagle by Friar Tobin, I thought I should submit a brief reply. While i appreciate his thorough writing about Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I would like to share a different perspective of his general emphasis and some of his key interpretations. Paragraph #2 Mary first said “He has regarded the low estate of His handmaid.” Luke 1:45 The (Roman) Catholic Church did not exist for the first 300 years after the birth of Jesus. Catholic is a word mea...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Oct 15, 2020

    Editor, As I was walking out of the senate chambers one day in my first session the Governor was walking by. As he shook my hand his comment to me was “Steve—that is a good name.” That might be one of the few times I agreed with him in the last four years. He told me he would sign all the good bills. That comment had me shaking my head after both sessions ended and I am really shaking my head as he campaigns for the US Senate. For instance, in both sessions we had several pro-gun bills that we passed out of the legis...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Oct 15, 2020

    We don’t have to look very hard to know how the Cooney administration would work. For the past 16 years, Democrats have controlled the Governor’s office, and what do we have to show for it? As a small business owner, and a member of the Montana Legislature, I can tell you it’s been veto after veto, and an increase in job killing regulations. Montanans deserve better. Greg Gianforte will bring a fresh perspective to the Governor’s office, unlike Cooney who has been a Helena Bureaucrat for over 40 years. Cooney would continu...

  • From the desk of Fr. Tobin

    Father Thomas Tobin|Updated Oct 8, 2020

    October, 2020 - I have been inspired to write a piece on Mary the mother of Jesus Christ the Son of God. It is one topic Protestants don’t like to talk about. But Catholics love to talk about it. When Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, she cried out inspired by the Holy Spirit, “From henceforth all generations will call me blessed, for He who is Mighty has done great things for me and holy is His name.'' This is scripture. Luke I The Catholic Church has done so from the time of the apostle, down through the ages and to the...

  • Rosendale fights for Montana values

    Updated Sep 24, 2020

    With just one seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, it is critical that we elect someone who will fight for the Montana values of faith, family, and freedom. After examining the records of the two candidates running, I know that Matt Rosendale will fight for our values. Rosendale is a man of faith; he is a vocal advocate for the unborn and stands strong against the assault on religion that has sadly become commonplace on the left. Rosendale is “A” rated and endorsed by the NRA and has a strong record of always fig...

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