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SECOND QUARTER HONOR ROLL HS A HONOR ROLL (3.5 GPA or higher) Brynn Loehding Chace Loehding Corlan Laughery Danica Shepherd Ethan Mellon Jillian McGraw Jadyn McGraw Justin Wyatt Melton Kamryn Miller Kendall Kittelmann Kendra Tooke Nasya O'Connor Natalie Foxley Nicole O'Connell Madalyn Bechtold Roger Beach Tracy Wilson Travis Schallenberger JH A HONOR ROLL (3.5 GPA or higher) Alivia Foxley Allie Shepherd Ayla Yates Ella Wright Keli Melton Kira Kratzer Lily Schallenberger Oakley...
Brett Roger Nies was born at 7:02 p.m. on December 21, 2023 to parents Matt and Ami Nies of Ekalaka. Brett joins excited siblings, Kylie and Luke. Brett weighed in at 6 pounds, seven ounces and measured 18.75 inches long. Paternal grandparents are Frank and Karen Nies of Ekalaka. Maternal grandparents are Robin Diede of Ekalaka and the late Tyler Markuson....
The communities of Ekalaka and Baker came together during Tuesday night's basketball games in Baker to support longtime eastern Montana basketball referee Sarina Venable. Venable has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Leiomyosarcoma. In lieu of an entry fee, free-will donations were accepted at the game to help Venable and her family. Baker's junior class also held a bake raffle throughout the evening. In addition, fans of both teams were encouraged to ditch their school colors and...
On December 3rd, the Puptown Wranglers had their monthly meeting at the Carter County Event Center. During the roll call, each member shared their favorite winter activity. In the meeting, our 4-H club discussed how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals for the new 4-H year. The leaders explained how to make goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound, using a market beef project as an example. After the meeting, we played the Saran Wrap ball game. We also assembled trays of Christmas cookies, signed...
Carter County Spray Day will be held February 8th, 2024 at the Carter County Event Center. Join the weed department from 10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. for noxious weed related topics and lunch sponsored by Carter County Conservation District. Private applicator points will be available! Please RSVP to the Fallon/Carter Extension office (406-778-7110) by February 1st. For more information, please reach out to the Carter County Weed District at 406-775-6278....
1-08-2024 The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on January 08, 2024, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Rod Tauck, Chairman, Mike Watkins, Vice Chairman and Pamela Castleberry, member were present. The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Chairman Rod Tauck. There was no public comment. Guests to the meeting: Bob Jacobs Maintenance and Judy Wright Clerk and Recorder Human Resources (HR). Diesel generator...
Ekalaka hit a record low for January 14th on Sunday when the official temperature reached -38 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the National Weather Service. The average temperature for the day was also a new record, -25. The previous record low for a January 14th day in Ekalaka occurred in 1972 when the mercury dipped to -32 degrees. Saturday was also a new record low for a January 13th day in Ekalaka at -37. The previous record of -28 also occurred in 1972...
3-29-2023 The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Friday, December 29, 2023, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Rod Tauck, Chairman, Mike Watkins, Vice Chairman and Pamela Castleberry, member were present. The meeting was called to order by chairman Rod Tauck. Clerk and Recorder Judy Wright stepped into the meeting with questions about the Event Center rental fee exception schedule. Commissioner Castleberry made...
December 6, 2023 A. Call Meeting to Order a. Roll Call Council Libby, Melissa, Andrew & Rex b. Employees Present None c. Appointed Officials Present Kamely & Buck B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Public Present / Comment Toni Kratzer, Richard Brown & Carole Carey Carole Carey comment on the shape of Mormon Street and complimented Kamely for fixing the big pothole. Carey would like to see something get done with Mormon Ave. and maybe form a committee and go see the County commissioner since that has become the truck route, Ambulance...
Notice was recently given of the vacancy in School District #1 for the board of trustees of Ekalaka Public Schools, specifically Carter County High School. The board will be appointing a qualified candidate to serve until the May 2024 election. Individuals from District #1 interested in being appointed to the board are asked to submit letters of interest to District Clerk Brittani Brence at their earliest convenience. The board vacancy comes on the heels of the recent...
Both defendants in an assault case in Fallon County received sentences on Friday, Jan. 5, with both receiving more lenient terms than what was recommended by the county attorney's office. Tucker Tooke and Turner Tooke were sentenced on one count each of assault with a weapon, a felony. Under Montana statute, a person commits the offense of assault with a weapon if they knowingly or purposely cause "bodily injury to another with a weapon" or cause "reasonable apprehension of...
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) recently announced and invites the public to comment on a proposal to resurface about ten miles of US Highway 212 (US 212), through Alzada. The project begins east of Cottonwood Creek Road, six miles west of Alzada, and extends east, ending at the Montana/Wyoming border. Proposed work will include resurfacing the existing roadway and finishing with a seal and cover (chip seal), upgraded pavement markings, signage, culvert repairs, rumble strips, bridge deck repair, and guardrail....
The 2024 election season officially begins with the opening of candidate filing at 8 a.m. on January 11th, 2024. In Carter County, two county positions are up for election. These positions include the County Commissioner District #3, which is currently held by incumbent Mike Watkins, and the office of the County Clerk of Court/Superintendent of Schools, held by incumbent Tracey Walker. Declaration forms and supporting information for the county positions are available at the Carter County Clerk and Recorder’s Office, 214 P...
3-11-2023 The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, December 11, 2023, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Rod Tauck, Chairman, Mike Watkins, Vice Chairman and Pamela Castleberry, member were present. The meeting was called to order by chairman Rod Tauck. There was no public comment. Road and Bridge Supervisor Carl Knapp joined the meeting with a request to order new gravel haul trucks. Commissioner Watkins...
submitted by Fallon/Carter Extension Fallon/Carter Extension Service invites area residents to attend the annual Winter Ag Series. This year the meetings will take place on Tuesday, January 23 in Ekalaka and Wednesday, January 24 in Baker. On January 23 the educational event will be at Carter County Event Center at the fairgrounds in Ekalaka from 3:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. A meal will be sponsored by Carter County Conservation District. The meal will be prepared by Carter County Weed District. On January 24 the series will be at...
Ekalaka has been selected to participate in the fourth annual Reimagining Rural Virtual Gathering planned for January 29, February 12 and February 26, 2024 at Carter County Museum. Everyone is welcome to this free, community-wide event to hear fresh, new ideas for rural community vitality to inspire and motivate community members to imagine a brighter future for their town. The Reimagining Rural Virtual Gathering includes three sessions, broadcast via Zoom to groups of local...
Hawks Home December 11, 2023 Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing? How's Rudolph? How are the elves? How are the other reindeer? For Christmas, I want trucks. Thank you for all of the trucks. From, Declan Owen - Kindergarten 12/12/23 Dear Santa Claus, How are you and Mrs. Claus? I'm eight years old. How old are you? Are you real? My friends believe in St. Nicholas. I've been good this year. I fell downstairs this year, but I am fine. For Christmas, I would like a nice heavy -...
submitted by Mrs. Carol Spencer The past two months at Ekalaka Public Schools have been a whirlwind of activities as students delved deeply into lessons about citizenship and kindness courtesy of the school's counseling program. On December 4th, the students enthusiastically embarked on a food drive collection. In a spirited display of generosity, each class earned points by donating holiday essentials such as cookies, sugar, flour and chocolate chips. Mrs. Guyer's...
submitted by Miranda Hendrickson Students from the Alzada School have been doing some fundraising to raise money to purchase new playground equipment. The students got to vote on what they wanted to see added and it was decided that they would raise money to purchase a single piece of equipment called Overdrive. It is like a merry-go-round but instead of sitting/standing on it, the kids will hold onto the handles and hang from it. It can hold up to six kids at a time. The...
2-30-2023 The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, November 30, 2023, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Mike Watkins, Vice Chairman and Pamela Castleberry, member were present. Rod Tauck, Chairman was absent. County Maintenance Bob Jacobs joined the meeting to discuss the Utilities at the Stenseth house. The Commission agreed to keep the service on for the time being, as the boiler heat system will requi...
Town Office, 103 N Main Street November 1st @ 5 p.m. a) Call Meeting to Order @ 5:03 p.m. a. Roll Call Council Present Libby, Melissa, Rex - Not present Andy b. Employees Present c. Appointed Officials Present Kamely & Buck Public: Rich Brown, Courtney Higgins b) Pledge of Allegiance c) Public Comment Courtney Higgins would like to put some more trailers with the potential of buying a property he would like to do what is best for Ekalaka and what would be best to make town more money, Buck said best would be to build a traile...
Dakota Community Bank & Trust recently announced Oakley Spring as the recipient of the Dakota Community Bank & Trust Foundation Female Program. This program was established to assist area youth in establishing their own cattle herd by providing an interest-free loan to purchase five bred heifers. Oakley Spring, the daughter of Kelly and Torey of Ekalaka, has been selected as the winner of this year's Bowman scholarship. Oakley is currently enrolled in 7th grade. Through the pr...
The Town of Ekalaka is proposing several rate changes to water, sewer and garbage services. If the council votes to pass the resolutions, the changes will be effective with billing of services for January of 2024. "It's been quite a while," said Town of Ekalaka Clerk/Treasurer Kamely Harkins when asked about the last time the town had raised rates. Water rates If passed, the base rate for water users will go up from $36.28 per month to $37.00 per month. Residents and...
The Fallon-Carter County Extension Office is taking orders for Montana certified seed potatoes. The three main varieties that will be ordered are Yukon Gem, a yellow fleshed all purpose potato; Norland Dark Red, a medium sized potato great for boiling, frying and salads; and Huckleberry Gold, has purple skin with yellow flesh. Huckleberry Gold is resistant to growth cracks and hollow heart. Please visit to see a description of the disease free Montana...
The following was dropped off at the Eagle years ago. It had been long forgotten until a recent, chance conversation in Billings. It was given to the Eagle by Ms. Mariellen Neudeck, eldest daughter of Marie and Alexander MacDonald. The text contains a chapter from an unpublished autobiography, "Montana Woman," written by Marie Peterson MacDonald. MacDonald was born on February 24, 1913 to Swedish immigrants who homesteaded near Great Falls. She attended the University of...