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  • Voters have one week left to hand-deliver ballots for November 5th election

    Updated Oct 30, 2019

    The Montana Association of Clerk and Recorders (MACR) and the Commissioner of Political Practices (COPP) want to remind voters that all hand-delivered ballots must be delivered by November 5 and that any person who delivers a ballot on behalf of another voter must comply with BIPA (Ballot Interference Prevention Act) regulations. Voters have until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 5, to deliver ballots. The instructions mailed with the ballot will list locations where ballots may be returned. BIPA, which was passed by 63%...

  • 4-H members visit Dahl residents

    Updated Oct 24, 2019

    Carter County 4-H members took some time to share their 4-H projects with Dahl Memorial residents on October 13 in Ekalaka. The experience was great for all that attended. The day was a part of "Live The Pledge" activities that Carter County 4-H Council members and the MSU Extension Fallon-Carter Counties office planned to help promote 4-H and encourage 4-H members to share their experiences with the organization. 4-H members that attended were: Quinton Kalstrom, Hannah...

  • Local veterinarian to retire after 42 years

    Updated Oct 24, 2019

    Dr. Greg Tooke is taking down his shingle after forty-two years of serving Carter County and the surrounding area. In 1975 Greg Tooke came back to Ekalaka to set up the first veterinary practice in Carter County. For around a year or two, he worked out of the old "Grandma McLean" house in town. Ranchers backed up to the door of the house and Tooke worked out of the their trucks. Dog and cat surgeries were performed on the kitchen table, much to his wife Susan's dismay. In...

  • Town of Ekalaka General Election

    Updated Oct 24, 2019

    This year’s General Municipal Election for the Town of Ekalaka will be a mail ballot election. On Wednesday, October 16, the Carter County Clerk and Recorder’s office mailed ballots to all registered active voters who reside within the boundaries of Ekalaka. Active electors will be able to vote in the privacy of their own homes. Each registered elector in the Town of Ekalaka will receive an individual ballot packet. The packet will contain an official ballot. Up for election are one 4-year term and two 2-year terms for tow...

  • Lovec graduates from basic training

    Updated Oct 17, 2019

    Private Annette Lovec graduated from basic combat training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri on September 26. Her mother, Melissa Lovec, and sister, Holland Lovec, traveled to attend the short ceremony held at 9 a.m. that morning. Lovec will now stay at Fort Leonard Wood where she will complete her advanced individual training to become a horizontal construction engineer (military occupational specialty 12N). These soldiers use bulldozers and other heavy equipment to help...

  • Gianforte in Ekalaka

    Updated Oct 17, 2019

    Congressman Greg Gianforte met with county commissioners and other local officials in Ekalaka on October 3. Gianforte learned more about some of the issues facing Carter County, including progress on Dahl Memorial Healthcare's new hospital facility as well as access to critical care. Gianforte described his efforts to preserve and expand rural access to health care, including promoting telemedicine and other measures....

  • 4-H news

    Tylinn Thomas|Updated Oct 17, 2019

    The Gumbo Gophers 4-H Club met October 4th at B&J’s in Alzada to decorate their hay bale and have their first meeting. Thanks to Bill Walker for the bales and B&J’s for letting us display them there. The slogans were “Power Up, Join 4-H” and “Superheroes in Training.” After decorating the bales, members and leaders enjoyed supper at B&J’s before the meeting. Last year’s president, Keenan McInerney called the meeting to order. Roll call was answered by naming your favorite superhero. 4-H week, Achievement Day, a Halloween par...

  • Preschool screening Tuesday, October 22

    Updated Oct 17, 2019

    Ekalaka Public Schools will hold child find developmental screening on Tuesday, October 22nd from 12:30 to 4 p.m. in the Ekalaka Elementary gym. This free developmental screening is designed for children ages 0-5. Children aged 3-5 years will be screened in the following areas: Concepts/Thinking, Motor Skills, Speech/Language Development and Hearing. Children under 3 will be screened by Developmental Educational Assistance Program staff. Parents should call 406-775-8765 to schedule an appointment....

  • Ekalaka Community Choir practice starting

    Updated Oct 17, 2019

    Ekalaka Community Choir members will begin practicing for upcoming performances on Tuesday, October 22 from 7 to 9 p.m. Practices will take place at St. Elizabeth Lutheran Church in Ekalaka. The choir, under the direction of Ekalaka Public Schools Music Teacher Nate Louisignau, is still seeking members. Members can be anyone from the community, including high school students....

  • Utilize Bulldog Fitness Center this winter

    Updated Oct 17, 2019

    Ready to start exercising inside? The Bulldog Fitness Center is ready and waiting. Anyone who is not currently a member and is interested in becoming one can stop at the high school office, sign a liability form and acquire a key fob. It’s that easy! A $5 refundable fee will be charged for the key. There is no charge to utilize the walking path at the center and seniors citizens who are 65 or older are permitted to walk from 11:30 a.m. to noon, before the center opens to everyone else. The Bulldog Fitness Center at Ekalaka E...

  • Ag producers Invited to attend ARC/PLC meeting on October 29

    Updated Oct 17, 2019

    USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Montana State University are hosting a Farm Bill meeting on October 29, 2019 at 10 a.m. at the Thee Garage meeting room located at 19 W. Montana Avenue in Baker. The meeting is free and open to the public. Meeting attendees will learn about FSA’s Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs authorized by the 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills. Learning more about ARC and PLC is important for producers who must make a decision about ARC or PLC election and enrollment o...

  • Open houses for pronghorn study

    Updated Oct 17, 2019

    Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will host four open houses next week in Region 7 communities to discuss a six-year pronghorn population and movement study. Open houses are slated for Monday, Oct. 21 in Ekalaka, Tuesday, Oct. 22 in Broadus and Forsyth, and Wednesday, Oct. 23 in Jordan. All are scheduled for 7 p.m. The purpose of this statewide pronghorn study will be to learn more about factors influencing survival, seasonal habitat use, movements and migration routes. In Region 7, research will focus on two study areas:...

  • Carter County native to speak at youth conference

    Updated Oct 17, 2019

    Kylan Klauzer, a Carter County native who attended school in Baker, will speak at this year's Positive Choices Youth Conference on October 29th and 30th. Klauzer was born and raised in southeastern Montana. He graduated from Baker High School in 2002 and went on to attend Dickinson State University where he received his Bachelor's Degree and eventually a Master's Degree in Public Administrations. Klauzer has been employed as a law enforcement officer for fourteen years. Curren...

  • Baby Nies

    Updated Oct 10, 2019

    Kylie Kate Nies was born on September 28 to proud parents Matt and Ami Nies of Ekalaka. Kylie weighed 7 pounds and was 19.5 inches long at birth. Paternal grandparents are Frank and Karen Nies of Ekalaka. Maternal grandparents are Robin Markuson of Ekalaka and the late Tyler Markuson....

  • Join local 4-H'ers to celebrate National 4-H Week

    Updated Oct 10, 2019

    4-H youth around the country are celebrating National 4-H Week from October 6-12 this year. Every year, National 4-H Week showcases the learn-by doing experiences that 4-H offers young people and highlights the remarkable 4-H youth in the local community who work each day to make a positive impact on those around them. This year's theme, Superheroes in Training, is a campaign that will give kids more opportunities to do, empowering them with the skills they need to succeed in...

  • Mid-Rivers secures zero-interest loan for Dahl Memorial Healthcare

    Updated Oct 10, 2019

    Mid-Rivers Communications has been awarded a zero-interest Rural Economic Development Loan (REDL) from USDA Rural Development on behalf of Dahl Memorial Healthcare Association in Ekalaka. The REDL program provides funding for rural projects through local utility organizations. The over $580,000 in zero-interest loan funds will be used by Dahl Memorial toward the purchase of an upgraded electronic health record system necessary to meet Medicare and Medicaid compliance requirements and streamline patient care. The Dahl...

  • Prescribed burning starting for Sioux Ranger District

    Updated Oct 10, 2019

    The Sioux Ranger District, Custer Gallatin National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management, Miles City Field Office are planning for a series of fall burns starting as early as October 7, 2019. Prescribed burns will be dependent upon proper fuel and weather conditions. The Forest Service and the BLM are working jointly on multiple burn units, 500-800 acres in the Needmore-Russell Prescribed Burn, located approximately six miles southeast of Ekalaka near the Camp Needmore campground and the MacNab Pond campground (T1N R58E...

  • Chamber plans FestiFall

    Updated Oct 9, 2019

    Carter County Chamber of Commerce members are currently planning their Second Annual FestiFall, a fun-filled family event named last year by Chamber President Eva Grimes. FestiFall is scheduled for Saturday, October 12, coinciding with the Willa Nies Memorial Volleyball Tournament in Ekalaka. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Main Street, families will be able to enjoy a pumpkin patch sponsored by Stompin’ Grounds and other activities for children and adults put on by Dawg House Pub and Sagebrush Service Club. The day will also p...

  • Ladies day on the range

    Updated Oct 3, 2019

    The Carter County Conservation District hosted Ladies Day on the Range on September 20. At this year's annual event, there were around twenty-five women in attendance. The day started out at the Yost residence in Ekalaka where Wayne Yost gave a presentation on tree pruning and care. The group then headed to the Bonsell Ranch where Ronda Bonsell talked about rotational grazing and pollinators. Next, Lauren Meccage and Jalyn Klauzer put on a plant identification presentation at...

  • Local FFA chapter hosts district competition

    Updated Oct 3, 2019

    Carter County hosted the District FFA fall contest on September 23 in Ekalaka. Nine FFA chapters from the eastern district: Baker, Broadus, Carter County, Forsyth, Glendive, Miles City, Plevna, Prairie and Wibaux attended the competition. In total, 135 students competed. Forty-eight members competed in the range competition that morning. The range contest consisted of plant identification, soils, plant anatomy and stocking rates. Carter County was well represented. Sean...

  • Model T owners enjoy Ekalaka

    Updated Oct 3, 2019

    A group of Ford Model T enthusiasts spent three days in Ekalaka last week. Members of the group come from all over the country and get together every year to travel back roads in an area chosen by one of the members. This year John Steele chose Ekalaka. Steele lives in Manhattan, Montana but has traveled to the area for years to hunt. The group met in Miles City, unloaded their Model Ts and headed for Ekalaka via the Miles City Cutoff road. At speeds between 20 and 40 miles...

  • Grant application deadline

    Updated Oct 2, 2019

    The deadline to submit a grant application for 2019 Carter County Community Foundation grants is October 18. To qualify, applicants must either be a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit or a church, school, hospital or government unit located in Carter County, Montana. CCCF grants have been very helpful to the residents of Carter County. The local library, museum, food bank, volunteer fire department and senior citizens have all benefited from CCCF grants in the past. Grants range in size from $500 to $5,000. Call Marlene Waterland at...

  • Consider becoming an EMT

    Updated Oct 2, 2019

    Local emergency medical technicians are desperately short of help. A class to train more area EMTs has been planned and will start on October 28 at 6 p.m. The class will take place once per week for four hours. A few weekend classes will also be scheduled later. Final written and practical tests to become an EMT will be in early April, 2020. Expected local EMT duties include taking call on both weekdays and weekends. EMTs must also be willing to sit with the ambulance at various events and attend trainings to stay certified....

  • Senior center benefits from grant

    Updated Sep 26, 2019

    Carter County Senior Citizen Coordinator Patricia Lovec applied for a mini-grant in July of this year. The mini-grant, used for senior projects, is sponsored by the Governor's Advisory Council and is awarded at the Governor's Conference on Aging. The purpose of the grant is to "help facilitate up front funding of innovative ideas that will serve senior interest in local communities." Grants are awarded to rural communities with populations of less than 10,000 people. In the...

  • Faithweavers to start on October 2

    Updated Sep 26, 2019

    The Faithweavers youth program at St. Elizabeth Lutheran Church will be starting on Wednesday, October 2 this year. All children from age 4 through 6th grade are welcome. The class will be held on the first and third Wednesday of every month and will take place from approximately 3:45 to 5 p.m. The theme for this year’s program is “Jesus loves you s’more than you know.” Kim Tooke is the Faithweavers leader this year. To volunteer or ask questions about Faithweavers, please contact Tooke at 775-6580....

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