Your Community Builder
The Ekalaka Eagle, established in 1909, is published on Friday each week.
The deadline for all advertising is noon, Tuesday, the week of publication.
The Eagle is committed to meeting the needs of our advertisers. Please call (406) 775-6245 or email [email protected] for a consultation or to place your ad.
Ad Rates:
Display: $6.00/inch
Local Display: $5.50/inch
Banner: $30.00/inch
Business Directory: $20.00 per block
Display Classified: $10.00/inch
Classified: $10.00 per 25 words ($.15 per word over 25 words)
Fan Page: $10.00
Preprinted Inserts: $140.00
Color Charge: $45.00
Column Sizes:
1 Column: 2.0833"
2 Column: 4.3333"
3 Column: 6.5833"
4 Column: 8.8333"
5 Column: 11.0833"
6 Column: 13.3333"
Depth of Column: 21.3333"
Six Columns to a Page: Gutter Width .1667"
Full Page Space: 13.3333" x 21.3333"